Thoughts on Elon Musk buying a stake in Twitter?

“Veterans” and “Italy.” Apparently concrete enough. And date? As soon as Mr. Musk recovers from his surgery. That should be a concrete enough date. :laughing:

Assuming the Murph time is legit and from the pic, Zuckerberg looks the part, Musk can lift all the weights he wants. If it’s 3-minute rounds, most people don’t realize that 3 minutes is a REALLY long time in a ring.

Maybe Musk will “rope-a-dope” Zuck for as many rounds as this thing gets scheduled for.

How much is the PPV price already? I’m buying!

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Musk is continuing to avoid the fight

And Zuck is calling out Musk’s nonsense

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The CCDH was one of 26 signatories of a May 2022 letter to major advertisers threatening them if they continued advertising on the platform after Musk’s Twitter purchase in Fall 2022. The organization claims to be independent, and base opinions on research, but it is obvious that their current claims about Twitter were pre-determined 6 months prior to the takeover, making the CCDH agenda-driven hacks.

This is common for people like the founder of the CCDH. A sheltered life makes it difficult to understand, tolerate, and respect the opinions and experiences of others when they differ from their own. Through their tactics, such as government censorship and financial attacks, they seek to create a group-thinking echo chamber that serves as a twisted form of self-validation. Their claim of noble intentions is laughable.

When Musk opened the discussion for all, he made Twitter more interesting, and immune from the nefarious intentions of groups like the CCDH. Anti-Twitter forums like Threads, are “boring people to death”, as Musk recently tweeted.

“Interesting?” Who remembers what happened when you searched for “kittens”?

A faulty statement Musk opened Twitter for SOME, and closed it for OTHERS.

Easy to say ALL when you agree with ALL’s point of view, and easy to ignore the others when you don’t agree with them.


What are you talking about? He’s been banning journalists left and right since the get-go – especially those who disagree with him. Elon Musk’s Twitter Is Still Banning Journalists for Simply Doing Their Job | Vanity Fair


Right–those who disagree with Musk, from the left, are being banned at a higher rate. Twitter has definitely become more right-leaning since Musk took over, that is not disputable. Those who lean right see nothing wrong with that. Those of us who lean left have an issue.

TRYING not to get political but Musk has made discussing his company difficult w/o injecting politics.


Exactly. I mean, it’s now his private company, so he can do whatever he and his investors want. But there’s no sense in denying that he’s taken a right-wing turn with the platform. The whole “he just opened free speech up for everybody!” is objectively false. If the guy wants to have a platform that pushes Catturd2 at everybody, fine. I’m just not going to be there.


Elon will mop the floor with “Lizard Boy”

I’m kind of looking forward to seeing Twitter turned into a media company. I want to see Twitter, News, Sports, or even the Catturd2 cooking channel.

It’s really sad that the US has descended into fighting as a form of journalistic discourse.

Completely immature behavior by both parties, but, IMO, far more so with Musk.

It’s really pathetic, to be honest.


Musk is “unhinged” and “appearing to lose his grip on reality”


Musk is so busy working he has no time to sleep but has enough time to promise to stream himself (providing “assassination coordinates” btw) driving to Zuck’s house unannounced and challenge him to a fight.

I don’t know if he’s lost his grip on reality but his truthfulness rating is as close to zero as you can get these days.


His behavior is increasingly bizarre. Not “colorful,” bizarre.


The journalist claiming Musk was in Cleveland when Musk said he would drive to Zuckerberg’s house in Palo Alto last night assumes that Musk’s private jet can’t go anywhere without Musk on it. He then goes on to make a mockery of Musk’s concern about security risks associated with live-streaming the coordinates of his jet. If the guy had done his research, he would have found that a lunatic followed the car with Musk’s family from an airport one time, and terrified them by stopping the car and climbing onto the hood.

When another journalist was banned for soliciting input (on Twitter!) for how to hack a Twitter account, the unimaginative anti-Musk journalists had a meltdown, as though they can’t distinguish between free speech and a threat to the platform.

Journalists like this have the depth of a wind-up doll, programmed with the language of jealousy: “idiot…racist…bigot…can’t handle criticism.”

Musk has said, “I hope that even my worst critics remain on Twitter, because that is what free speech means." Indeed, many have stayed, and Musk has kept his word. Accounts with tens of thousands of followers that sharply criticize and insult Musk are still doing so. The video linked earlier in this conversation that likened Musk to Hitler’s final hours is still posted. Even the CCDH, whom Musk is suing, is still active.

Seeing more discussion of conservative beliefs doesn’t mean Musk hasn’t opened the discussion for all. Political conversations all the way to the extreme left are still up. Cherry-picking instances that have unique circumstances as evidence otherwise doesn’t hold any weight.

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Musk is so in favor of an “open discussion” that he decided to deliberately throttle links to sites he doesn’t like:


Huh, go figure, Musk is slowing down access to rival websites.


Sure seems like Musk’s Twitter or X didn’t want to turn over Trump’s DM’s. Of course, he’s the only user they’ve ever didn’t turn over the DM’s according to the news.


Excellent article by Ronan Farrow. Given the number of government officials willing to do on-the-record interviews (other than the Pentagon who were “keeping him apprised of inquiries”), I wonder what’s coming next: