Hi there. As the title suggests, I would like some feedback on my tentative senior schedule.
AP English Literature
AP Physics C: Mechanics (may self-study E&M as I am just personally curious about it)
AP Government (semester class paired with Econ)
AP Macroeconomics
AP Statistics
AP Spanish Language
Honor Band
I feel good about most of this schedule: I’m a big fan of English literature, so I don’t think I’ll have trouble there and I really like learning Spanish and am comfortable speaking about various topics in many tenses (present, past, present-perfect, future, etc.). I guess my biggest question is how are the AP classes and tests for AP Statistics, AP Gov/Econ, and Mechanics. Would adding on E&M be manageable, or would that kill me?
How many AP classes are you taking this year? If you have not gotten used to the rigor of taking multiple AP classes, at the same time, I’d say your current planned Sr schedule looks like a killer, ESPECIALLY since during your first semester you will ALSO have what amounts to a stressful, time sensitive, part time job - applying to colleges!! Dont underestimate how time consuming that process will be!
If you have already taken an AP math class, then I would not take AP Stats as well, but leave yourself a free period or take a lighter class.
Your current schedule looks much like that of other students who are too concerned about trying to take as many AP classes as possible, at the risk of lowering your all important GPA.
Oh sorry about that, completely forgot this year’s schedule.
AP English Language
AP Calculus AB
AP Biology
AP Music Theory
Honor Band
AP United States History
Spanish 3
I got A’s in these classes 1st semester and on track to get A’s again 2nd semester (unless I totally tank finals). I think that I managed studying for these APs well: I didn’t feel too rushed for studying, but I could have started earlier.
I’d drop the AP stats[ its known to be not as rigorous as AP Calc], and give your self a free period the first semester to do homework, write College essays, fill out college applications, getting teacher recommendations sent in, etc, etc as well as making sure that colleges have ALL the materials they require, by their deadlines, in order to consider your applications. Doing ALL of those things take more time than you think they will. You will be SO glad you have the extra time available so you are not trying to get everything done on only 4 hrs of sleep.
Take a fun class during your final semester.
Itlooks very doable and is a very coherent schedule. Good job