<p>Hello all, I am student at Clemson University and will be a Junior this spring semester. I am planning on spending Fall of 2014 and possibly Spring of 2015 studying abroad. At Clemson I am enrolled in a Sociology program that lets me start taking graduate level classes my senior year and upon graduation roll right into the M.S. graduate program without having to apply for graduate school. </p>
<p>My aspirations for studying abroad are mostly related to just gaining a new perspective and to change things up for a bit. Learning another language is a bonus, but not my main motivation and I am not rushed to become fluent or anything like that. With that being said, at the moment I am looking at Germany, Czech Republic, Greece, and Russia. </p>
<p>Russia is by far the most interesting to me. The culture is fascinating and I feel like experiencing the changes that the country are going through would give me tons of wonderful insight on a sociological level that I could apply to possible writings in graduate school. My main worry here is the language. I recognize that it is an incredibly difficult and complicated language for native English speakers to pick up. My main fear is getting over there and not being able to grasp the language/failing out/wasting my time. I would try my hand at a course of Russian at Clemson, but RUS 1010 is only taught in the Fall here, and that ship has obviously sailed for this year. </p>
<p>To summarize for those who want to skip that wall of text, Does anyone here have any experience with study abroad in Russia and or can comment on the difficulty or ease one might have who is not necessarily looking to become fluent (long term goal), but just be able to get passing grades up to the 202 level? </p>
<p>Another question I had was related to all of the countries above that I listed (Germany, Greece, Czech Republic, and Russia). Does anyone have any experience with aforementioned countries and ADD/ADHD medication? I already assume that the western countries would be much more willing to work with you on something like that. Getting to customs in Russia and being carted away by an overzealous OMON officer is not high on my list of things I would like to do :P. </p>
<p>Thank you all in advance for any help you can give!</p>