Thoughts on the Titan submersible incident?

AFAIK, this hasn’t been discussed on CC.

But, I truly wish the best for those 5 souls in the Titan submersible that disappeared near the Titanic wreckage.

I know there can be criticism of what they did and how they did it, and the company which is responsible.

But, there is a time and a place for criticism. It isn’t now, IMHO.

My understanding is that the oxygen is less than 40 hours, and I truly hope they can be saved if that is still possible.


I was going to start a thread about this. You bet our local media is posting frequent updates! The company is based in Everett… the local paper was first to confirm that the CEO was on board…

Sadly, I don’t think a friendly extraterrestrial will carry them out of the ocean alive (referring to one of my all time favorite movies with the alternative ending) .



It’s being reported that there were banging noises coming from the search area at 30 minute intervals. Fingers and toes crossed the sub surfaces on its own and is found. It seems unlikely, but…


Referring to The Abyss (one of my faves), or another movie?


Yes! Love that movie.

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I know a lot of people are working to save them, who are also at risk, so I am hopeful for a safe outcome for everyone.


Has anyone else seen the video(s?) of the inside of the Titan? I have, and it is…well, amazing but not in a good way.


I hope everyone is found alive and healthy.

Then I hope the company is billed for the full cost of the search and rescue, and driven to bankruptcy. And the CEO publicly shamed … I could go on, but will stop.


He should also be charged with reckless endangerment.


It’s just horrifying what they must be going through. It’s hard to even think about.


Even if there was to be a successful rescue mission, the company is going under.

When the rescue mission is cancelled (which will be very soon), will there be a recovery effort? If so, that will have to be financed by the company.

I just can’t imagine the fear. I’m hoping for a miracle.


I read somewhere that even if they are found, if the sub is indeed down at the level of the Titanic then there’s no reasonable way to actually rescue them in the time they have. The best hope is that they’re floating on the surface somewhere, undetected.


I feel horrible for those on board, if they are still alive. I can’t imagine the fear. Horrible. And to whoever is trying to rescue them, it’s scary for them too.

This was incredibly dangerous to start with. Just because we can doesn’t always mean we should.


Or negligent homicide type charges, but the main person responsible is in the sub as well. My MechE DD has been sending me updates; we’re horrified at the willful safety neglect and corner cutting. It’s like a Hollywood script :confused:


The more I read, the more I am convinced of how reckless this all is/was.

Craft was never certified, experts in 2018 sent a letter to the CEO expressing their concerns. Their reply was that getting approvals would slow down their lightning-fast innovative spirit. The experts, from a 60-year old ocean exploration society, also enumerated several design features that they had issues with.


I doubt there is much in the way of assets to confiscate. The ship is probably heavily financed, likewise any equipment they have. Wealthy people purchase an incredibly risky joyride, and when it goes wrong, the taxpayers foot the rescue bill.

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I read a piece on BBC this morning that if the banging was indeed from the sub, it’s at or near the surface. But, the sub was never fitted with an emergency transmitter beacon. So, still like finding a needle in a haystack with oxygen running out, and no way for the occupants to let themselves out because they are bolted in from the outside.

You couldn’t have paid me any amount of money to get into this thing.