<p>Somewhere around a 3.0 GPA (very bad, i know)</p>
<p>2020 SAT
650 W 670 M 700 CR</p>
<p>All GT/AP classes since 9th grade. Currently taking 6 APs out of 6 classes.</p>
<p>Relatively good AP test scores from last previous years (mostly 4's and 5's)</p>
<p>Published a novel in 2003 (really. not self published, since it cost me nothing. can still be bought on amazon and such)
Played piano for 12 years
Played tennis for 5 years
Taught tennis for 2, including summer camp and private lessons.</p>
<p>I was a russian immigrant in the early 90s.
I've got a creative, original way of writing essays, which will definitely stand out.</p>
<p>It's a book you can find on Amazon and such sites. I was 12 when I wrote it, so I can't say i'm too proud of its contents. But a published book is a published book, and that's how they should see it. Not everyone can sit down and write that much, especially at such a young age.</p>
<p>Its a science fiction novel, 120 pages or so. Again, not self published. A publisher did all the work.</p>
<p>Sorry to ruin the fun, but DO NOT send them a copy of the book....let them know about it (the title and such), but don't send them a copy. </p>
<p>I was just in an admissions info session yesterday after Physics workshop, and one kid asked "Should I submit my research as a supplement?" They said no...they specifically mentioned no long research findings or novels or anything of the sort. They are more likely to look at it as a waste of their time than an amazing achievement by the applicant....they can't read 30,000 kids' papers. I know it sucks, but that's the way it is.</p>
<p>Your chances will be very low because your GPA is very low and your SAT scores are mediocre. Cornell is looking for talent. The fact you wrote a novel at age 12 will be uninteresting unless you can show that you've done something to develop that writing talent in the last five or six years. Do you have another novel in the works?</p>
<p>Why do you think I would go on here, and lie about having a book published? Does that really make any sense to you?</p>
<p>I want realistic chances. The book is not very important. It's written by a 12 year old, so it's not adult level, i never said it was. However, it was published for free, it has an ISBN, i made a reasonable amount of money from it, around 1.2k.</p>
<p>I'm not asking anything about the book, its just something i'm going to mention.</p>
<p>Hey, I'm gonna be honest here, i would lie and I did lie. I told my interviewer that I wrote a book. I failed to mention, however, that it was only half done. ;)
I'd say you have "ehhhh" chances.</p>