Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

from Downstate, no we did not.

SUNY Downstate sends out 120 - 140 invites, and 15 will be accepted. Usually between 250 and 300 BAMD applicants.
Not sure why they send out hundreds of invites for 15 spots. Good luck.

really? Did anyone recieve an interview invite for RPI -AMC?

I know atleast 1 person from RPI who already finished their interview 2 weeks ago

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For UMKC, after the interview stage, does the admission committee only look at the interview performance or will they also consider the other application details like ACT, GPA, ECs, etc

Has anyone had a SUNY Upstate interview? Could you please shed some light on the interview format and the types of questions asked? I know there are two interviews - are they asking the same questions? are there any ethical/behavioral questions asked?

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whole application plus interview

do you know if union AMC is sending out interviews ?

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Yes, my son received an email invitation from AMC for interview. I am sure they will send more. they said this in their interview invitation packet " From January through March, approximately 80 applicants will be interviewed for this program"

i had w and J interview; but no word yet from temple

for which feeder school?


When’s ur interview?

May I ask when he received the interview invite? Was it Jan 21st?

yes, email came out on Jan 21

Based on last few years
 they interview anywhere from 50-60 (If i am not mistaken the total seats is around 45 i.e., 15 for each 3 feeder Sienna, RPI, Union)

So, there is a chance they may invite someone later, but your best bet will be to reach out to them and ask. Sorry i don’t have insider info.

are the Hofstra interviews out yet? I know some people got it last week, do they send all the invites at the same time?

Has anyone heard back from SUNY Upstate or Ripa after being put on the Hold for Comparison List. I personally have not

Yes I have, suny upstate

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Those got forwarded to NJMS through TCNJ, have you heard the details of undergrad admission and scholarship details yet?