Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

I interviewed for Union/AMC a few weeks ago and we did an interview cohort of around 5-6 and had kids from Sienna RPI and Union for MMI.

Been talking to someone on the other site applying this cycle. Got admitted to hopkins, WashU, most schools in texas, waiting to hear from two top ivy meds - Harvard and Penn.

Final year eng at UT.

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Has there been a second wave?

Did anyone get the interview from NJMS/NJIT?


Has anyone had their NJMS interview? Could you share a few questions that were hard and/or tips/advice?

when did you get the interview invite

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My D got a mail from NJIT saying her profile forwarded to NJMS in January first week but we haven’t heard anything yet from NJMS hopefully they will send a decision soon to end this wait game.

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May I also know which state you are from ? Did you get honors from Rowan yet. we submitted supplemental nothing heard yet

What were the questions? Can you share a few

last week

Wait did they get bsmd after submitting honors app?

I dont know about that

Anyone with UConn SPiM interview tomorrow, fingers crossed for you and good luck! :slight_smile:

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same here. still waiting for response from NJMS after the email from NJIT.

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When did the interviews come out?

Ptt gap is coming 2/28 right?


Assuming you’re in-state for UT Austin, isn’t that a viable option?

Unless you’re attending a BS/MD program, I can’t see a valid reason to choose a tippy-top Ivy for 75K~ a year (assuming no financial aid) over an in-state option that costs substantially less. Medical school adds a mountain of debt, so it’s preferable to limit that for undergrad IMO.

Is this a general interview invite info email to make sure all applicants are aware of what’s going to come in next week OR they are letting you know that you will get an invite from Brooklyn BSMD next week for sure?

I think end of Jan/early Feb