Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Not sure…

We received brooklyn ba md interview this week


Does Drexel accept most of the students that they interview?

When will the VCU BS/MD results come? Did anyone get interviews for Oklahoma BS/MD?

About 50% chance per previous year admins stats they reported. Here is the Fall 2021 Applicant Profile for Drexel’s BA/BS+MD program:
For fall 2021, the applicant pool for the BS/BA+MD Early Assurance Program comprised the following:

  • 2,348 total applicants.
  • 716 applicants met the minimum GPA, SAT/ACT and deadline requirements to be reviewed by the Drexel University College of Medicine.
  • 123 applicants were selected for an interview.
  • 60 students were admitted to the program.
    BA/BS+MD Early Assurance Program

Do you know what they look for in specific?

My daughter’s VCU interview date is on Feb 25th. That means they have not finished interviewing everyone.

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No idea. Sorry.

Anyone hear anything from Cincinnati?

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Website says decisions to be expected in Early to Mid Feb. Yet to hear back from admissions on my inquiry. Let us hope for the best.

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You got the link to sign up?

how do you know the date?

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No. On the website it says they will announce mid feb. Hopefully, this week.

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Does AMC-through RPI completed sending interview? If we haven’t heard as of now, does that means rejection or they will send rejection email?

Did you receive AMC supplement for RPI? How long ago?
Once you submit the supplement, it takes a few weeks for the interview invite
they will send a rejection email but only in April

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So if we haven’t recieved any notice since when we submitted in December - we are rejected? I got the following email on 1/21

I just wanted to touch base with you about your application to Albany Medical College’s Combined Degree program. Your application has been received and is currently in our screening process! We are currently sending out interview decisions on a rolling basis and anticipate that everyone will receive a decision within the next 3 weeks. We appreciate your patience throughout this process. Please contact me by reply email if you have any questions!

Should expect decisions by Late feb?

does anyone know how rowan bs/md interviews work ? are they finished sending out requests

just got interview invitation for Cincinnati BSMD!! By email. it’s my first one - so excited!!



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I just heard from Cincinnati.