Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

I have not got anything from FAU yet.


Generally 3rd Saturday of March in the AM EST.
Check out last year’s thread posts for the timing to be certain.

Which interviw group was in? If you do not mind.

Welcome back @rk2017
How have you been?

Thanks @NoviceDad. Been very busy, just checking the posts once in a while, logged in today being the Pi day.


I have 3 students who applied to MIT this year so Pi day is nerve wracking! Hopefully good news tomorrow from them!

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My colleague’s son at work applied, but haven’t heard anything from him yet. So hoping to hear the good news tomorrow. He is out of this world accomplished, but who knows?


When was interview at Fau?

@rk2017 @mom2boys1999
Wishing them the very best.
With ~2% acceptance, it is a looooooooooooooong shot for everyone.

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PennState/Jeff PMM stats this year:

1,500+ applicants
80 called for an interview
~40 offers


Isn’t that less than usual?
I thought they get close to 2000 or even more

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It has been up and down.
About 4 years ago, it was 3000+.
Past 2 years, it has been about ~1,000.
So, this year marks an increase.

Also, the number of interview candidates has reduced from the previous 100+ to about 80 in the past 2-3 cycles.

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Could it be because BSMD are becoming less popular I hear?

Did anyone receive an interview notification from Stony Brook? I did not hear anything yet and I was hoping to hear something from them by now at least.

According to PSU, 901 applied in Fall 2021 and now in this application cycle, 1500+ applied per @NoviceDad . Thats nearly 66% jump when compared to last year’s stats.

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Hey, i had attended an interview for Union/Amc & got an email saying I am in still considered list. What do I do now?

You can write a letter of continued interest (LOCI) to Union/AMC. A letter of continued interest is an email you send to an admission office, typically after you’ve been deferred or placed on their waitlist. It lets the college know you’re still interested in attending and why. IMO, send LOCI and pray God. Waitlists do move in general depending on case by case. If you are lucky you may get picked from the waitlist. Do you have any other confirmed BSMD offers on hand?

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wishing you the best of luck for drexel!!!

Thank you very much. No I don’t have any Bs md acceptances on hand.

One more question. Should i send my mid year transcript when there is one B in one of the core subjects in senior year? Will sending this affect my chances? Other subjects are straight A/A+

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