Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

This happened to my daughter at case too. We were also a bit surprised that our daughter got waitlisted at case ( she also applied to ppsp and got rejected). But thankfully and by god’s grace she got into bs/md and so she was anyways planning to go for that.


My son too got waitlisted at Case , after getting rejected from PPSP, similar stats as your D. Luckily, he has an acceptance from instate BSMD, so he will be considering that. Case was the first college we visited and he really liked it. It was a shock to see the waitlist. We got the same email with those dates.

Good luck to her for Cincinnati.


So sorry to hear about your D. If it’s any comfort, I also applied and was rejected from PPSP, and indicated continued interest in UG. I am the Valedictorian of a large public hs (4.98 GPA), 35 ACT, 2022 Coca-Cola Scholar, full-ride in state private scholarship, Presidential Scholar nominee for my state, got into UofR with 20k as well, but was waitlisted from Case due to stated housing concerns when a few of my classmates were accepted with much lower stats.
This year has been absolutely brutal and unpredictable, but I have faith that your daughter will end up in the place that is right for her- she seems like a dedicated student and wishing her luck for Cincinnati’s results!


Oh… 100% on this and also with your other posts

With students I help with (including my D) it’s the same.

I think there is "something now in the water :slight_smile: to make them think like that or too much Disney movies (where prince will come) LOL

Their profile is similar to that person D…so i feel the pain.

Many got into many prestigious (by name) in good specialty major (with good scholarships) but got waitlisted/ignored in others that bothered (that are by theory less rank).

Realistically there is less than .5% (say 10 seats out of 2000 candidates ) and 2% for entire BSMD (ignoring major chunks like UMKC and few other colleges) my assumption is people compete for around 120-150 seats among 8K-10K students.


My D also applied for PPSP. Got waitlisted for Case western. It looks like everyone having a similar experience.


same here. was waitlisted at case for neuro and pre-med after applying to PPSP and having a strong UG interview. for context, i’ve already been accepted to two bs/md programs.


My S is on alternate list for interview. Got accepted to case UG with 30k scholarship but never heard from the alternate list even though they said we will let you know by first week of March .
He also has 2 BSMD so will move on at this point.

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thank you @Vicky2019 , yes rochester is indeed a great option. she has a couple other good choices in Pitt and Ohio State as well.


When do NJMS decisions come out generally? And are they in waves or all at once?

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Every year, we notice some changes in the way a college does its selection process.
A good example is Case this year - giving housing as a reason to manage yield is new.

A few thoughts:

  • Remember BS/MD is the FIRST shot (not the last shot) at getting into medicine. We need to keep honing on this message to all kids.

  • For smart high achieving kids, this process will be the first process where they experience “rejection”. Yes, they may lose a speech competition or a game of tennis, or a robotics tournament, but in most cases, they could identify their shortcomings and work back into the game. This BS/MD process engenders a feeling of helplessness - it does not provide clear answers to “what could I have done differently?” or “where did I go wrong?” The truth is for most of these kids - they did their best. We need to ensure they do NOT lose any self-confidence or develop a cynical view of life.

  • Almost all kids are resilient and will bounce back. They will chart their path and will succeed in whatever they do and look back at this time with amusement.

  • For folks who have NOT received interviews or any acceptance, it may be time to think about Plan B and start looking at colleges that give the student a good springboard to their pre-med experiences and medical school admissions. And for some students, that may mean giving up on Ivy schools and bragging rights.

  • Also, please make sure kids enjoy their summer and create memories with their parents, siblings, friends and others. They need to recharge themselves.


:+1: TBH, Case is NOT alone.
I know colleges in CA like Berkley (and maybe) other places have the same issue.

I think maybe by mid April or late April, they will get clear picture (depending on withdrawals)

But agree it’s time for Plan B (if no acceptance or interviews) to look for EA option or Good UG schools to springboard to their goal


very meaningful advice, thank you!

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sorry that your d had to go through this. i have been reading a lot about cwru not only on cc and apparently this is not the first year they reject/wailist for UG PPSP candidates. but as everyone is saying here she is bright and accomplished and will get into the best “fit” school for her. best of luck


This year, it is more of a bloodbath for CS and Engineering majors - partly because many did not expect it.
Not just Berkeley, but also at UCLA, UT Austin, GT, Purdue, and more.
BTW Berkeley’s decision will be out on March 24. also, they have been battling the NIMBY crowd for housing/ expansion. The entire lawsuit and back-and-forth on the potential 5,100 admit is a case study in itself.


Does Drexel send decisions via portal or email

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Same scenario for my daughter and a good friend both applied PPSC and were waitlisted at Case - other students with lower GPA/SATs were admitted EA with merit. I was shocked also!

Thanks everyone - that. is the way D is leaning. She is currently alternate and hoping for a spot at UCONN SPiM. We are keeping fingers crossed. If it doesn’t happen she will go to UPitt most likely.

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Need advice please.

First Question.
UConn SPiM - Is it a BS/MD program? Can someone please share if it is indeed a guaranteed BS/MD program? The acceptance letter I got mentions “favorable interviews” If interviews are required is it considered a guaranteed program? Here is an excerpt from the acceptance letter, I got.

It is also encouraged that you participate in any other areas of interest to obtain a breadth of experience that we look for in our incoming medical students. Favorable medical school interviews and letters of recommendation are required before approving your progress from undergraduate to graduate studies in the SPiM program. Please let us know how we might be of assistance as you seek the special opportunities that will enable you to become a well-rounded future physician.

Second question.
Between Tulsa ECCM vs. UConn SPiM what do you all advice?
Here is the excerpt from Tulsa ECCM website.
Interview process for medical school complete upon acceptance into the program if academic standards are met upon graduation from TU.

Hi, my status stated that for the entirety of the application process and I have since received an acceptance, so there I believe you have a chance. Keep us updated!

What is COA for both programs after all scholarships?
ECCM says "ECCM students must meet or exceed the MCAT and GPA score of the previous year’s entering medical school class in order to be granted provisional acceptance without an interview. Students who do not meet that standard may still be considered through the traditional admission path as delineated by OU College of Medicine.

In order to be admitted to OU College of Medicine, provisionally accepted applicants must meet all academic and professional requirements and standards as defined by the OU-COM policy." You need to confirm with the contact mentioned in the ECCS website that you have shared, on these matriculation requirements.

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