Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Got it thank you.


@Skotha , I will take VCU over AMCā€¦ you got to visit and make changesā€¦ but VCU gives u option to go different schoolā€¦ also i heard that AMC is ā€œterribleā€ in communication (not even their interviews were arranged goodā€¦ read review) ā€¦again visit, read and decide.

@deejay19 , agree to remove from non-attending colleges.

My D just removed herself from CASE (Waitlist) and few other colleges that were acceptedā€¦ as she chosen her BSMD college (donā€™t have her permission to say it publicā€¦ damn kids :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:)



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Good information. Thanks!

The reason I think it is too high is because Texas instate is 20k and OOS is 30k and most state schools automatically give them scholarships to make them instate due to low percentage allowed.

So I never understood texas students going to VCU to pay such large amounts for a guaranteed seat because I think most are bright and will be able to get into a med school after attending our local flagships. I will know for sure this year because I know one such candidate who declined VCU 3 years ago (didnt get a good enough undergrad scholarship) and applying to medicine this year.

This is not a knock against VCU (most east coast schools have high tuition for medicine despite being State schools) but just mental comparison point for texas residents.

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Just list all her schools and we will start a betting pool.

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I see many got into NJMS in this thread would really like to see the stats if anyone can post.

My S has been accepted to NJMS. We are planning on visiting both NJIT and TCNJ this weekend for their accepted student days. Please reach out to me / message me if you are in the same boat so we can connect.


Does anyone know someone that goes to/went to Drexelā€™s program?

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None of these kids are from TX.
TX by law has to have 90% of SOM seats for in-state students.

They applied to 13 to 17 medical schools. I had suggested they apply to more places - like 25.
Less than 10% of the SOMs they applied were in the T20. Most colleges applied were in the Northeast, Mid-west, and Mid-Atlantic regions and ā€œrankingā€ wise were all over the place.

Check the results thread once folks post there.

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We will be visiting NJMS next weekendā€¦ may be just walking around the outside. My D is trying to reach out to see if she can get a tour the Monday after or somethingā€¦ Good luck with that. lol. Anyone knows about how to get a tour, please let me know.

You can DM me for an indepth comparison

Then apply to Rice or Vanderbilt as transfer students. Itā€™s not like giving up Harvard or Stanford for BU SMED. Also, BU is a decent UG school

Anyone knows if NJIT/NJMS has a deadline to accept the offer by. Email we received doesnā€™t say anything about due date.

ā€œdrop medicineā€ā€¦This could happen to be in any other BSMD program or even in the premed route. Continue with your current college as a regular UG student, or transfer to other colleges (Ivys, T20s, or whatever) to pursue the next path.

How these traditional route new baseline - acceptance stats will translate to next yearā€™s BSMD cycle? I recall your previous post said, the BSMD baseline went up when compared to where it was last year and 10 years ago.

I think it will be tougher every year.

This doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t crack it (but stiffer competition)

(Ignoring the edge case scenarios)

I would say the ACT 34 is now the norm/base with great GPA, ECs are basics to begin with. (Ofcourse if you are an ORM you need to have more and for others ā€¦little less depending on location, diversity etc.,)

I know a student ā€¦ who is not an ORM in tri state area ā€¦got accepted to 1 BSMD and waiting for PITT (priority) with those markers.

Another student ā€¦will little less credentials than above person (and applied only to 4-6 BSMD ā€¦ and all in the Tristate area) got 1 interview and still in wait list. He got accepted to great UG and prepared to go traditional too.

Bottomline , it will be tougher and tougher (with more students) but the ā€œattractionā€ will always be there.

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No did not say anything. Does NJMS have open house for accepted students?

We are taking our D to visit NJMS and a few other schools on the east coast. We are from the west coast and have no idea what we are doing there! Lol. D and I tried to call NJMS and no luck getting connected with anyone thereā€¦ left several vmā€™s and not sure they are they right people. Under the assumption that they will not allow us to tour the Med school, any suggestions on where we can get a peak from the outside to get an idea of what the environment is like at NJMS is really appreciatedā€¦ Iā€™m also assuming that we canā€™t just walk into the Med school/hospital like the way we did before because of COVID (We were able to do that at AMC a few years ago before COVID to get an idea of the environment).

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