Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022


Some programs have their own mandated curriculum. Others are wide open and you could major in English if you made sure you met the med school prerequisite classes/knowledge foundation

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What are my chances of getting into BSMD.
4.0 GPA unweighted, 4.57 weighted
1550 SAT
Ongoing volunteering at a hospital (70 hours completed)
Tutoring kids and organizing stem camps- ongoing
Other extra curricular activities at school - leadership positions(non stem)

What should I do to make my application stronger to get admitted in a BSMD? Any feedback is appreciated! Thank you!


Your GPA and scores are decent.
The ECs you have listed are table-stakes - most of your peers applying will have similar activities.

What have you planned for summer?

Thank you @NoviceDad

I have been applying to internships and shadowing opportunities only to get replies that they are cancelled or not offering due to the covid situation.

I will continue to volunteer.

I am looking to get help on what else should I be trying to do

Hi, I am interested in BS/MD/DO but i had a rough freshman year. Can someone please chance me below and let me know if I have any possibilities of getting into a low tier bs md?
Demographics: Male from NJ, family income 250K ORM

GPA: 3.69-71/4.0 unweighted gpa, 4.0 weighted gpa/4.5 , school does not give rank, (have a uptrend that goes like this- ~3.5, 3.6,3.9UW). Faced adversity freshman year.

SAT: 1480 SAT (700 RW, 780 math) Math 2- 790

might take sat again for 1500+

Medical extracurriculars/volunteering: 300 normal volunteering(not hostpital), 30 hours shadowing PT, ~5 hours Family Physician, Medical Summer Program at CMSRU. A&P 1 Dual enrollment . EMT certification course, BLS and CPR certification. Junior Firefighter. Planning on getting a lot of hospital volunteering this summer. Got some virtual shadowing. Volunteering at a health center(200 hours)

In-school clubs/activities: HOSA President/Founder, member of NHS, Varsity Robotics Team(FRC), FBLA, Unicef/Red cross(leadership), and Operation Smile(board)

Research: 2 research, 1 likely publish till applications

Coursework: 10 AP Classes only know that I got a 3 on AP Chem but taking bio,calc ab, micro/macro this year, and 5 other aps next year

Other: Summer program at rutgers in toxicology, business internships at 2 startups


Have several regional/state and 1 national accomplishment/s in medicine and business


Spanish- 8/10 (had for 2 years and went to after school often)

English- 7.5/10(only one year but i think she shows me well)

Bio- 7/10

Researcher- 8/10

Programs I will apply to: Drexel, NJIT/NJMS, Rutgers/NJMS, UMKC, BU SMED, Stevens Institute of Tech/NJMS, UofA/SUNY, [GWU], Adelphi/SUNY, Syracuse/SUNY, ACPHS/SUNY, Rowan BS/DO, [CWRU], Montclair/NJMS.

What should I do to make my application stronger to get admitted in a BSMD? Any feedback is appreciated! Thank you!

@futurebs_md12323 , I think overall you’ve a good profile except your scores and GPA. If your GPA is going to be around 3.9 by the time you apply to colleges, you should be good. If not, you can try your luck applying to few programs , write a strong essay explaining about the adversity you faced during freshman year. Regarding test scores, try taking ACT once and see. Are you an ORM? I wouldn’t discourage you, you definitely have a strong profile. You can add few more colleges to your list if you’re very particular about bs/md.

You’ve a definite shot for bs/do programs but most of the seniors here strongly discourage going to DO. I am not an expert on that.

My gpa will stay the same because i am a rising senior and i can’t change it anymore. Idk about ACT I might after I get my june SAT results. Yes I am ORM. BS/DO are just as competitive as BS/MD in more cases. What’s wrong with bs/do?

hi, can you look at my profile and recommend? It’s right above

As I said I am not an expert on BS/DO but most of them here discourage that. Wish you good luck!

ok thanks

Could someone chance me for bs/md/do. I’ve had a hard time with gpa/sat and ec’s may not be upto par but not sure, also don’t have many awards. thanks!
also if someone could look at my profile and give bs/md recommendations. thanks!

Race/Gender/State: ORM/Female/Virginia

GPA: 3.94 uw
SAT: 1470 (710 r/w, 760m), retook in june hoping for 1500+
AP: 11
DE: 5

Medical EC’s:

  • bioengineering research senior year (200 hours, poster presentation)
  • plant cellular research at university (320 hours + publication) (this summer)
  • cancer research at fda (100 hours + presentation)
  • medical reserve corps (100 hrs)
  • physician shadowing (150+ hrs)
  • mini-medical school program
  • neurosurgery shadowing (this summer)
  • board member for medical npo (100k+ members worldwide)

Community Service: math tutor (200 hrs) + honor society volunteering (50 hrs)

Non-Medical EC’s:

  • science olympiad (president)
  • student council (class vice president)
  • yearbook
  • mu alpha theta (president)
  • science national honor society (officer)
  • piano & vocal music (8+ years)

Awards/Honors (main ones):

  • president volunteer service award (gold) & other volunteering awards
  • published research paper + yearbook author
  • international piano awards
  • state science olympiad awards + international science olympiad award

IMO, your stats are below par for an ORM. You can apply but do not expect much. One can always opt for regular route MD which has 95% of all US medical seats. Why even bother about BSMD. Do well in regular UG and MCAT. Good Luck.

IMO, your SAT/ACT score are below par for most ORM applicants. You can apply but do not expect much. One can always opt for regular route MD which has 95% of all US medical seats. Why even bother about BSMD. Do well in regular UG and MCAT.

@futurebs_md12323 IMO, one should try regular MD route first (at least two attempts). Then one can always apply to DO schools and outside US medical schools (FMG).

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hello @futurebs_md12323 , IMO, you need to apply at least 5-6 additional BS/DO programs, and work on your essays - why Medicine, why bsmd etc. Even with a near-perfect scores some applicants won’t secure BSMD admission, not at their fault at all. Be prepared to take the traditional route in the event you won’t get BSMD or BSDO admission. Over 95% of applicants take the traditional route. Apply with confidence, Good luck.

hello @basketballfan123 , IMO, your GPA, APs, and ECs looks good. You can try ACT, which may better reflect your GPA, you may get 34/35+, that will put you in better position while applying BSMD programs. You can try omitting your SAT score, and apply as test optional. Some lucky ones got wins for Fall 2021, by doing that. You can check BSMD results forum for full stories on this.
Apply widely, good luck.

Hi, My kid gpa 4.2 and act is 32 and orm . Is it worth applying to BS/MD . If yes, Any suggestion of college names/programs for these stats. Thank You .

What is unwanted GPA?

The school report does specify only weighted gpa. I am not sure of unweighted gpa value. My kid got above 90 marks in all subjects since 9th grade so far.

I calculated it manually .I think unweighted gpa is 3.9 .