Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

Just recieved UPitt Supplement this evening, congrats to all others!

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Stats please

Please provide Stats

My daughter did too

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What were your stats?

Is there advice on what to keep in mind for the supplemental Pitt GAP application or another thread we should follow?

I still have not received Upitt supplemental

I sent you a DM


sent you a DM as well

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Can you send me a DM as well

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Welcome back @ghermione
One B may not impact as much and getting a 5 will definitely help.
Focus on building your ECs.

Congrats to everyone for getting Pitt’s supplement.

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What were you stats please. I did not get the Upitt supp yet.

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sent you a Dm

Do you get Pitt supplement in email?

Did the Pitt supplemental come through an email? Or through portal update ?

When does BU sent out interview invitations?

Did anyone got supplemental for UCONN