Thread for BS/MD BS/DO 2021-2022

What kind of questions does BU ask in the interview? Since there are 2 interviews, is the first interview more curriculum based and second maybe more medical related?
Is there a ratio of accepted boys vs girls or do they accept equal numbers?

Does anyone else have the BU Information Interview on the 13th?

does stony brook have an sat requirement/ how many ppl do they accept?

Yes - everyone needs a SAT or ACT score.
ACTs are accepted.

10-15 students matriculate into the BS/Md program.
They interview about 60-80 kids.

Thank you! Hopefully, I do haha

We gathered that Stonybrook may have fewer than 5 seats. Where can I see the numbers?

3-5 seats in StonyBrook BSMD - this appears old info. See below for stats posted in 2017 CC BSMD thread.
For the last admission cycle StonyBrook offered BSMD seats to 11 candidates, off those 8 accepted the offer.
You may be able to find seat info from AAMC MSAR report. Good luck.

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Thanks for the clarification and the links.

Thank you! So do you suggest, that if by January 31st I do not receive an interview invite, I should contact the undergrad admissions office to consider me for regular decision undergrad? Is that allowed? I saw on their website that you can only be considered for admission to the program you applied to. If you are rejected from SMED, you are rejected from BU.

But based on your reply, if I send a request to undergrad admissions, is it possible to transfer my application to regular decision undergrad?

I wrote the essay for the Trustee Scholarship. If I am rejected from the program and request to have my file transferred to RD, will they still consider me for the Trustee Scholarship (donā€™t want my essay to go to waste)?

did anyone apply to stockton?

Hello, quick question on Pitt GAP BSMD- can anyone advice if the undergraduate application essay( including the Honors essay) is also sent to the medical school or is it just the supplemental that we receive from the med school?

When will rice/baylor interview?

Yes, I would suggest wait for a month, i.e. till Feb 1st week or so and if no updates on SMED, then you can ask for transfer of your file for undergrad consideration. As far as I know, it was still allowed till last cycle (unless they changed it for this one). One could transfer the application and you will be considered for the major of your choice along with any scholarships you may qualify, either merit based or need based. Keep in mind though, the Trustee scholarships are only handful, like may be 20 or so but not sure of exact number, and they try to spread it across various schools, so better not count on getting it.

If one is wondering why anyone should even be considering undergrad if not called for SMED interview, depends on interest. They have a top notch BioMedical engineering department. Heard the business school is pretty good too. I am sure few other disciplines in CAS are very good, especially if one gets price breaks. The location is great for pursuing so many opportunities. So if any of those fields are of interest to someone going regular route, it may be worth considering.

how many do they accept for interview? Iā€™ve heard its 30-40 but not sure.

Do you mean the University of the Pacific - Stockton?

I have CASPER test next week. Do I need to take CASPER and Snapshot both, I am applying to Hofstra and Drexel. Also are there any online tutorial sessions/training material that I can refer to before my test.

My application portal has been showing the same thing since October. No update on whether I got an interview or was rejected.

My D is takin CASPER tooā€¦ for same.

CASPER is ā€œnot a pass/failā€ testā€¦ itā€™s just to figure out ā€œhow u r w.r.t certain conditionā€

In my line of work (Tech) many of us used to do similar management study/test to figure out, where we are strong/weak to ā€œcollaborateā€ for team success

So my suggestions is to look at what format and just answer what u feel.

Good luck

Same hereā€¦ for my D.

I checked the UMKC thread (to figure out the trends from prior years) and it looks like it will be 2nd-4th week of January and interview in Feb W1-W3 or so.

My only concern/worriesā€¦travel planning, if they conduct in person interview in Feb :slight_smile: thatā€™s why i was asking whether anyone else got interview/reject.

Has anybody receive communication from PMM regarding interview day details?