***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

We debated it several times over the years and I have created separate thread also. It all comes down to risk aversion nothing else and there is nothing wrong with it.


You mean ccny brooklyn?. Last year 3/15

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anyone who interviewed with NJMS receive anything yet?

Does everyone’s come on the same day?

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I committed to RIT and SUNY Upstate Medical’s B.D./M.D. Program in mid Feb, but I just found out that I received an interview with SUNY Stonybrook’s B.S./M.D. Program. I am not sure what to do. I do not know if I will be breaking a contract with Upstate. I have until 5 pm to respond to Stonybrook. Also, my twin is interviewing with Stonybrook and I don’t know if my answer to interviewing will effect her acceptance or rejection.

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I would recommend RIT/SUNY Upstate is good but RIT fees could be more. I don’t think it is binding since you haven’t started yet. I hope you can attend the interview and later if got admitted to Stony, you can decide.

thank for the advice! i decided to decline stonybrook’s interview offer.

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has anyone that interviewed with suny upstate on feb 15 heard back yet?

Did you apply to Stonybrook via the Honors College, WISE, or University Scholars?

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i think wise but i am not positive

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I’m still waiting to hear back, so I am not sure if they send decisions in waves or all at once or if it depends on which honors program you applied to.

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my D interviewed on Feb 15th and hasn’t heard back yet. long wait…

Brooklyn College/SUNY Downstate results are out apparently… I’ve heard a few people getting emails that they are waitlisted. Has anyone heard anything?

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i havent gotten anything. did you hear back acceptances or all just waitlisted ppl?

i heard that it was end of march or first few weeks of april regardless of when you interviewed, but idk if thats true

Mostly all just waitlist and I think one person said they got an acceptance. Do you think no email would mean a rejection?

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My friend son got waitlist. MY d dint any email

I didn’t get an email about waitlist, denial or acceptance for the BA/MD, but only received a letter stating that I was accepted to the Brooklyn College Scholars Program. Did anyone receive the Scholars Program letter with the BA/MD waitlist or acceptance letter?

Would it be possible for someone to share the BS MD interview questions ?

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