***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

Congrats to ur D … and also to others who got in.

Rankings (IMO) should be like another “ingredient”/sidedish… and shouldn’t be the main meal…

Reasoning being … not many colleges submit the information to the USNEWS or other agencies that put these rankings.
Also another variation is… it can change based on “speciality/UG too”… say a colelge can be top notch in CS but bad in Arts…

Also colleges like AMC are pushing grads for many years (look when these colleges got certified long before ) but they are NOT ranked highly.

Like I told my D…visit the college, feel the vibe, talk with students, environment and if thinks syncs (and if it’s NOT a bad school and NOT ranked terrible) go for it.

Yes , My D was smitten by IVY league too…and was tough to choose but either way it’s their choice.

Good luck


REMS unless she gets into Ivies or non ivies with scholarship. Wait until all the decisions are out.

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Nothing wrong to get smitten by rankings if she can take advantage of the opportunities available at those schools. REMS is one of the top remaining BSMD programs. Probably 3rd after Brown and Case Western. However it’s. Cold place and not much social life outside of campus.

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My son got into Temple pre health scholar program, how is the program? it seems like linkage program more than BSMD like you have to apply again and interview again…

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Few parents reached out to me to get my 2 cents on which school to pick and I responded. Anyone else need my input feel free to contact me. Again I am not :100: against BSMD and my advice will be based on what you share and unbiased.

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How is Temple University Health Scholar Program? Does it guarantee medical school admission if you meet GPA (3.6) and MCAT (509) requirements? What do you recommend, UCLA Biology major or Temple University Health Scholar Program with full tuition scholarship for first 4 years? Please help…

How is Temple University Health Scholar Program? What do you recommend, UCLA Biology major or Temple University Health Scholar Program? Please help…

How is Temple University Health Scholar Program? Does it guarantee medical school admission if you meet GPA (3.6) and MCAT (509) requirements? What do you recommend, UCLA Biology major or Temple Health Scholar Program? Please help…

Cost difference?

We are in California. Full in-state tuition at UCLA. Temple Health Scholar program is providing a full tuition scholarship for 4 years of undergrad.

If you have not already visited the Temple campus I highly recommend you do before making a decision. In my opinion it’s a good school but situated in a less desirable location.


For those considering REMS, reach out to @creekland if you have questions. Her son didn’t do REMS but did the traditional BS folllowed by MD at Rochester and now in 2nd year of residency (not sure where). She does not read the BSMD threeads so please reach out via DM.


Which UG is a good choice for pre med? UNC or TX Austin? ( OOS student for both)

Thank you!

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Thank you for letting me know. I was not aware that they waive MCAT. It may be a viable option. Do you know well about the program or do you know anybody (parent/students) who pursued this program ? That could potentially help in making decision. Any comment of University of Toledo in general, what type of university is this ? Could I compare it to the likes of Seton Hall of the East coast ?

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Probably UNC. However easy to establish residency in TX. Look into it.

I can imagine the only way to get of waitlist is to wait until May 1st. In our case we are waiting for another BS/DO but will not let go Nova seat. I have no idea how their waitlist works and do they overinvite or not.

Hi Deepti can we connect offline as well - my D got into PMM, and I connected her with @Shanmuga20’s D

Has anyone who interviewed with rpi/amc in February heard back on acceptance/rejection?

from what i’ve seen, no one has received communication from amc in the past week