***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

@novicedad. Looks like second wave came out yesterday for RPI-AMC? Saw some equivalent in Reddit but didn’t specifically say RPI.


I received an invite for amc interview through union. does anyone have any tips on how to prepare?

Do Union interviews come out in waves or is it just one wave?

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The first set of interviews is happening this week.
There are reports of a second way of invites coming this week.

There are rumors/reports about the second wave coming this week.


In waves.

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I just got rejected from URochester REMS- I just received an email.

When did you apply and when did you receive the email? Congratulations!!!


I interviewed and was admitted at RPI/AMC and they share the same MMI interview group as Union/AMC (at least they did just two cycles back).

The best preparation is strictly traditional MMI. Unlike many of the other MMI interviews I’ve had, AMC gives you the exact structure as they would a traditional medical school applicant. I’d strongly suggest the resources I noted in my prior post.

Create a personalized question approach, they had some of the most unexpected interview questions. I would share mine (it’s open access) but it’s against Terms to include anything for “commercial purposes.”

Best of luck to you!!

Thank you!

I received the interview email yesterday; submitted supplemental around end of november

Hey! I applied to REMS and a couple hours ago, I received an email from the University of Rochester saying that I got admitted into their undergrad. Nowhere did it mention the REMS program or if I got accepted or not accepted into it. I’m rather anxious about it because I’m looking for closure. What did yours say? Did It specify explicitly that you were rejected from the REMS program?

I’ve applied to several BS/MD programs, done the supplemental applications and everything, and haven’t heard back from most about a final decision. I heard that if you get accepted into the undergrad, and they don’t mention the BS/MD program, then that means you’ve been rejected. Is that true?

I got an explicit email stating that I was rejected from REMS and failed to move on for the interview. However, considering you were admitted, that may be a good sign. Congrats!

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Practice mock interviews - that will help you the best.

When I interviewed with REMS two cycles ago, I received the interview invite and undergraduate acceptance at different times. The interview invite was sent out on January 26th, and I recall the admissions folk saying they review REMS on a delayed timeline–sending confidence your way!

@rishiray.outperform If you don’t mind me asking, why did you choose VCU over RPI/AMC?

Thank you and N111ancy so much for your responses! You both really helped with my anxiety! I did get the interview details a couple hours later after getting the UG acceptance, and that’s huge news!! Does anyone have specific tips for the REMS interview in particular?

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The REMS interview is an absolutely wonderful experience, let me lead with that! They have an incredibly unique interview process where you have two traditional interviews (one with an undergraduate faculty and the other with a medical school faculty, usually) AND a group interview.

I would refer back to my prior post for the traditional interviews and (again, Terms prevent me from posting “commercial purpose” content but you can find me) I’ve created BS/MD-exclusive resources for interview prep (same ones that led to my REMS acceptance).

The group interview is the one that’s very hard to find resources for online. I would think very intentionally to ALL of the character qualities that a group interview specifically assesses (maybe even make a list!) and consider how you WILL and will NOT act in accordance with those values. Think about common mistakes in person-to-person communication when collaborating toward a common goal.