***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

Seems one person received GW BAMD invite already. Has anyone here heard from GW BAMD program or had any communication (interview invite/rejection) from them?


Perhaps you could contact them and explain the situation. Maybe they could help you amend your application. Convert your complaint of unfairness to actions.


has anyone who filled out the amc supplemental for rpi psp in december gotten any notification for a potential interview / rejection?

I would call the admissions office and ask them if there is a way to update your supplemental form.
That is your best bet.

First set of AMC interview are next week.

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As per website, you need to send CASPer test again after your received interview to direct Drexel Collage of Medicine. No need to remove Drexel from CASPer right now. It is not that they will remove you from interview selection.

For Stony Brook, my D got request to submit secondary application which is due Jan 15th.

Do you any status for Albian college - WMed status? This is new started from last 3 years. My D received secondary application which was done in December and not invited for initial interview with college (not WMed).
Not sure how many will be selected for WMed interview?

Good luck to those who have PMM interviews today !!

There are some excellent prep books you can order from Amazon as well. I found success with several BS/MD interviews using:

  1. The Premed Playbook Guide to the Medical School Interview (Ryan Gray MD)
  2. Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) Winning Strategies from Admissions Faculty (Samir Desai, MD)
    Even with MMI style, both books give diverse questions to practice with and Dr. Gray’s book includes particularly great question approaches.

I can speak to experience with this one, I would have a look at the preparation advice copied from a prior post!

…I found success with several BS/MD interviews using:

  1. The Premed Playbook Guide to the Medical School Interview (Ryan Gray MD)
  2. Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) Winning Strategies from Admissions Faculty (Samir Desai, MD)
    Even with MMI style, both books give diverse questions to practice with and Dr. Gray’s book includes particularly great question approaches.

As I have heard from a handful of current GMED students, VCU’s program has a lot of overall flexibility for students, and the city of Richmond is accessible for many opportunities.


I was admitted to the VCU BS/MD program two cycles ago and I did not receive a separate email with the VCU Honors College acceptance prior to the interview invite–may be different according to what @Mashed posted.

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PMM interviews are on the 18th.

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Oh yes. I got mixed up with the dates.

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I just received an email to schedule an interview with the college. Not sure about the process as there is limited information online about the program.


Thank you so much! I’ve ordered the books.

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Have not heard. Anyone else?

Nothing yet

@NoviceDad Do you know if RPI-AMC interview invites were sent?

@BMWX5 – Honors came with scholarships. But my son got rejected for BS/MD. Even though his stats are great, I know there is couple of kids from his schools who have better GPA than him.