***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

Is there in any website/link to check if any particular BS/MD is binding where you lose your guarantee if you apply outside. I know St Louis University is one where they explicitly mention in their brochure.

recieved email from undergraduate institution where I did the initial phone interview stating that I have been forwarded to NJMS for review and they’ll keep me updated over the next few weeks


Interviewed for TCNJ in December, got an email a week and a half later saying I was forwarded to the med school. Also interviewed for Stevens and Drew. I was not forwarded by Drew, and still waiting to hear back from Stevens.

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Usually, parents ask this question “Is BS/MD binding” from the perspective that their HS child is locked with the program for 6-8 years (whatever). Apply out is a different context from “binding”. IMO, none of the BS/MD programs are binding, meaning one can exit from the program anytime to pursue other interests. Some programs allow Apply out by keeping the guaranteed BS/MD seat and rest allow apply out but guaranteed seat isn’t guaranteed anymore - therefore apply out students can apply to the same school through the regular application route. Hope this helps.


Applying out from certain programs can be a huge burden if they do not require MCAT. Brown PLME does not require one and when they changed the policy about applying out, they required any student who took the MCAT to reapply back to the school as a way to stop people from thinking about it.

WMed program with Albion (among others?) and Western Michigan University does not require MCAT. Not sure if they require people to reapply if someone takes the MCAT and applies out but their median MCAT is 513 which is at 86%ile and they have a range of 497 to 523 which makes for a very competitive school for a regular admission.

If someone went to a school not requiring MCAT but decided to apply out, they should be ready to apply out in their first semester at the school, not 2 years in or else they will lose some years. They would not have taken the right classes to take the MCAT, they wouldn’t have started prepping and planning their time from the beginning and so on.


I received the interview in December, but never heard back regarding the medical school. I did receive an email that said I was accepted into their honors college.

Very difficult to plan and apply out from 7 year programs. If you have any inclination to apply out then go to 8 year programs which will let you apply out. Pretty much all BSMD programs are mid tier to low tier and rank doesn’t matter at that level. I know 3 students who applied out of BSDO in last 2 years and got good MD schools.


I haven’t seen a full list where it is clearly stated for all schools. Here’s my rule of thumb: I generally find that accelerated programs (less than 8 years) tend to be binding. However, it is most reliable to check with the school individually either on their website or via email unfortunately. Echoing @srk2017

I meant if the students have freedom to apply to other medical schools, if needed. This is assuming one is enrolled in MCAT mandatory BS/MD program.


I got an email today regarding the program from them and I sadly have gotten rejected.

Also congratulations to anyone who has gotten into the next stage for the BA/MD program at GWU!

This info is program specific. Before you accept the BS/MD offer formally, you can confirm this with the respective program coordinator.

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I only saw an apply-out from a 7-year program, but I could see why it’s difficult (not impossible). First, all premed courses would have been taken by the end of the fall semester sophomore year to provide enough content coverage for the MCAT. It usually takes a few months to study for that test. The latest first take should not be past the March test date. It takes about a month to get the score. If not happy with the score, one should register immediately for the May test and hope one doesn’t have to drive to another state to find a testing center that is still available. The AMCAS opens at the end of May. Applicants need to submit their applications early enough in the cycle for subsequent steps in the process to take place before med schools could consider them for interviews. Most schools fill their seats as they go. So, those with later test dates will certainly be at a disadvantage.

Also remember you have to be competitive with required ECs and high school activities (except research) won’t count.


Anything can be done during Senior summer after HS graduation to be counted?

Generally, those would be counted for undergrad, but then, you can put anything on your resume.

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Anything is possible by any one. Said, every individual is unique. So don’t assume anything for granted rather evaluate your strength, weakness and desires. Parents should completely back off when influencing the decision about apply out or 3 or 4 years undergrad etc.
Note some guidelines, especially if thinking about 3 years graduation and applying out.
You need to do Organic chemistry 1 & 2in the first 2 semesters itself and Bio and other courses in second year so that you meet prereq restrictions and be ready to take MCAT by March / April of the 4th semester since you will be applying out in 5th semester.
It is a transition from home to college and getting used to adjusting for self reliance in life. Lot of things going on. So don’t follow herd mentality and you set your own path for success. Also you need to continue your volunteer activities and you may need to find out, transportation to reach there etc. Lot of things happens. GL.


When you are deciding on a BS/MD program, it may be beneficial to assume you will NOT apply out and make decisions based on that.

The percentage of students applying out is rather small.


U-Cincinnati interview invites are out.

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Any interview invites or rejections from UIC GPPA MED?

@luluheart - hopefully you will get better news from other programs soon!

Did anybody here get interview invite from GW BA/MD (@HALHAL, @Ashish_Gupta1).

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