***Thread for BS/MD/DO 2022-2023***

Are they in waves?

Interviews are getting scheduled.

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Did they send new waves of interviews invites or rejections?

Don’t know. They sent an email last email informing about getting selected for the next phase and this week sent the date when the interview is scheduled.


Ok. Thank you

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Usually not.

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I thought they send out interviews after undergrad admissions are released on January 23. I am going by a friend’s experience last year. Maybe it is different this year. We have had no changes to application status in the Medstop portal. We only received an email that ug results will be released on January 23rd. Thanks for the info anyway. If you get more details please share.



any news on FAU?

My student has received the medical school interview invite.

I suggest contacting them on Monday and asking for an update for your application.

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Thank you. Will call them on Monday. Do I call dual connections or UC college of Medicine. Medstop one portal says interviews invites are through portal only but now they are sending email invites. But we didn’t get notifications either way. If we get info on Monday when we call I will update this forum. Thank you so much. Have a great weekend!

Not heard anything from them. Have you?

Call the undergrad/dual connections office.

Nope, but I do think they started releasing interview invites around this time last year

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My son got an invite from UCONN. Any suggestions from anyone regarding prep.


We usually go to studentdoctor.net to look for the interview style the med schools use and see what kinds of questions interviewers ask. Based on that, we prep out mock interviews.


Thank you so much! Appreciate it!


After prepping for one school, you’ll see the kinds of questions being generally asked at others.

I didn’t receive a letter like that, so I couldn’t answer with complete certainty, but it sounds to me like your daughter is being offered acceptance into URoch’s undergraduate program, which is a win!!

Could someone who’s gotten into the REMS interview tell me a little about the process? They asked for my sex for rooming assignments – does that mean they will provide rooming for the conference and I don’t have to get a hotel? If so, does my mother also get a room? Or does she have to get a hotel? Do we have to pay for that room, if URoch is providing it?