Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

There was a session on this program yesterday where they said that AMC will be sending supplemental application and then interviews will be conducted all the way from January to March.

The above post is for RPI/AMC Timeline.

@HopefulBSMDMom, are you saying there is a supplemental application for RPI/AMC? There is already supplemental section on common app for RPI BSMD and I believe there is none that gets sent later. Can you please clarify?

Yes, thats what they said and the supplemental is from AMC. We were under the same impression as you earlier to this meeting. Then we verified Union just to verify the process and they mentioned that there is supplemental app from AMC.

It is new information for us as well.

Verified the process for Unioin/AMC

Choose a program she will be comfortable with.
BTW - WISE is focused on engineering/ STEM.

So did they say who will get this supplemental application from AMC? All who applied to BSMD program or only select candidates? And interviews will be given to few who will get selected after supplemental application review?

@rk1235rk, @HopefulBSMDMom - Based on our experience last cycle, only shortlisted students (by RPI) will be sent to AMC. AMC requires supplemental application. (also required CASPER test last year)

Students need to fill this out and send to AMC. Upon receiving this, AMC will decide whether to invite students for interview or not.

AMC sends out interview decisions on a rolling basis. S got interview in early Feb. Many students received interview invites later over next several weeks.

@ttb1263 - All 3 Honors colleges are very selective and provide some scholarship.

WISE is a girls only program. WISE is for “Women in Science and Engineering”. Does your daughter like girls only programs?

My S choose University Scholars last year. I would advise your daughter to look at description for each and choose one!


Thank you for your quick reply.

She plans to major in Biology, so I assume that would be part of STEM. The main reason, she applied to WISE because that is part of the requirements for Scholars of Medicine.

@Vicky2019, so from what you saw during last year cycle for RPI/AMC, what is required of AMC supplement? Do kids need to write more essays? IIRC, they cancelled CASPer this year.

@ttb1263 - Only 2 BSMDs is too low. On an average students apply to 10-12 for decent chance since these are very selective.

You will have some programs with Dec-1 and beyond timeline to choose from (like Stony Brook, UConn, Case Western, Rice/Baylor) etc

what is the reason for applying to only two?

@HopefulBSMDMom, Thank you for the info on AMC supplemental. Thank you @Vicky2019 for elaborating on this and clarifying.


Several factors: Cost, distance from home and “daughter’s choices of schools” resulting with only 2 BSMD schools (Pitt, and Stony Brook).

Before the pandemic, we planned to apply many more BS/MD schools but now she most likely will go with traditional premed path. I have a little “regret” feeling about the decision but we want to be sure that she can success. her goal with little stress and hopefully, we can help her paying some of the cost for med schools later.

Question regarding which honors program to choose. In the app, I think they give YES/NO choices to all 3 programs. My D chose YES for all 3 and she also chose WISE as preferred. According to SUN AO, she can choose 3 but have to write 3 essays for them. Any advices ? and why did your son chose University scholar? Is it better ?

I heard varying information on 3 programs too. Not sure which one to go. WISE program got better over the lat few years it seems, per a student who just graduated from SBU w/ WISE.

You should send the subject SAT scores provided they are good. They will consider the scores for honors college.

Do SAT II test scores matter in Honors College admission?
SAT II Subject test scores provide additional information about the scholastic abilities or applicants. We encourage students to submit SAT II scores if they are available, but these scores are considered in the context of the entire application.

@ttb1263 and other SBU applicants: I have a question-
I know SBU is three step process. 1) admission to UG 2) admission to one of the three honors programs 3) admission to BS/MD

In CommonApp, there are no additional honors or bsmd essays.
After submitting commonApp , do we l get the options for applying to honors and bsmd through SBU portal?

@ttb1263, are you that WISE is part of the requirements for Scholars of Medicine? I don’t think so.


Based from what I know after my D applied, she then logged into SBU’s portal. She is going to upload essays for honors and BSMD from there. The Admission counselor did call her on the phone and email to provide help and guidance, and according to her, she can apply to all programs. She just needs to upload essays for consideration.

By the way, students can change which programs they want to apply in the portal.

Hope that help but I don’t know much about SBU and still rely on people here to provide answers . :smile:

Good luck !!!


From Stony Brook website:

Stony Brook University offers an integrated eight-year program for students interested in attending medical school following their undergraduate degree. The Scholars for Medicine (SFM) track offers selected students in the Honors College, WISE Program or University Scholars Program an opportunity to complete a combined Bachelor’s/MD course of study while participating in pre-medical classes and activities

I assume that the BS/MD offer is for selected students from three honors programs (scholars, Honors and WISE). Maybe I’m wrong.

Can someone chimes in ?


@HopefulBSMDMom - For Union, did they give any timeline ? As of now status shows as will know in December.

You need to be admitted to one of HONORS program (not necessarily WISE) to be considered for BS/MD.