Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Argh I’m so sick of waiting to hear from colleges! I know a handful of people at my school that have already committed to a school and people keep asking me “so you know where you’re going to yet” and I’m just like “no I’m in college application purgatory just waiting for my fate to be sealed” :joy:


Anyone submitted CUNY/Sophie davis ?
when do they usually respond ?
We did not hear from UG yet

1000 applications seems normal now for all these combined programs

make sure you check different email accounts if you have multiple accounts and their spam folders.

Thank you.

I know its kind of late for this question, but is there any point in filling FASFA if you know that you are not qualified for any financial aid? Thanks.

Yes, we don’t qualify for any government aid but schools can look at my FAFSA and give me school aid based on my need. Like I guess if you’re a millionaire probably no the FAFSA isn’t needed but even if you aren’t a low income household the FAFSA can help you get school aid

Most of the colleges have EFC calculators online that you can fill out and see where you stand and how much remaining amount it shows. If it shows you have enough funds to cover your education, I doubt filling FAFSA would be any helpful.

Today also top residency programs have folks from their own or equivalent ranked medical schools. Exceptions are always there.

That is the true downside of BS/MD programs at lower ranked schools, especially if those schools don’t have life style residencies. Especially it would help kids to have life after being a doctor

well why are you asking mom/dad then? If you know D that personally, you should be able to ask her directly, not parent. At most you can do PM/DM to someone if you are indeed interested in personal level communication.
This is not kind of maturity that medical schools are looking for.

to all applicants, disclosing state, credentials, ECs in a public forum can easily identify an applicant. Be careful to post those details in random posts, one can connect the dots, once all decisions are known you can always post them in results thread.

We did NOT do FAFSA or CSS for any schools. And, did receive merit scholarship from every school applied (where merit scholarships are available).

I don’t believe you need FAFSA for merit scholarships even though all the schools keep saying its better to do FAFSA even if you are not qualified for need based aid. Don’t know why though.

This is certainly uncharted territory and time will tell what factors PDs will use to evaluate different medical students. Here is Dermatology factors used by PD

And step 2 CK is likely to take more lead role for at least near term, unless USMLE invent another exam just meant for PD as PD needs a major factor to evaluate.

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That’s true, one can possibly get need based school aid. For a sizeable income school aid is also ruled out pretty quick. Can’t recall which school(s) when I checked, we are far from qualifying for that.

My apologies i didnt know there is a dm function on this site I am quite new to it. I apologize and please do not comment on my med school maturity because of that it was an honest mistake.

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I called it growing pain.

No worries. Click on username and select message. As simple as that.


thanks for this message, i have not done either. so if the student qualifies they will provide merit scholarships, thats good to know.

Yeah my household income gets us some school aid but not a ton, but everything helps.