Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

@srk2017 Thank You for trying. Appreciate it. Maybe i am looking for very granular data/metrics, which probably isn’t published. Thanks Again!

Probably only schools that have numbers better than national averages publish.

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If they put same requirements, people don’t go for BSMD and go for better UG experience. WashU had higher requirements before the cancelled the program. BSMDs main purpose is to elevate their UG profile otherwise now a days they don’t serve any purpose.

Hi, My D is looking for advise on what AP exams to take from the AP classes that she’s taking now in Senior year. She’s aiming for BS/MD and BS/DO ( She wants to only take exams she can get college credit with and that would be helpful: AP Biology, AP CALC BC, AP STAT, AP psychology, AP Spanish (She got the bi-literacy certification in Spanish). TIA

If UIC GPPA’s main purpose is to elevate UG profile, they would accept elite OOS applicants, like new Carle Illinois Medical School by UIUC does. I believe it is just great benefit to IS students to pursue medicine.

GPPA UIC SOM matriculation requirement:
– 3.6 GPA
– 512 MCAT
– students can apply out (encouraged) while keep the guaranteed seat

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IMO, take all of these AP examinations and do well. All of these can be used for college credits.


It’s a state school so have to go by the will of legislature.

Credits vary by school and same goes with foreign language and unless she knows by exam time where she is matriculating I would recommend taking all the exams.

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UIC SOM regular admission takes 20% OOS every year. I guess if they want, they can do the same on GPPA; but they apparently had chosen not doing it.

Just got into Stockton/Rowan!


Yes I agree

Traditional ranked med schools BS MD programs like WASHU Upitt and Baylor in the past have been historically low intake of 6 to 10 per year
WAshu under grad is ranked higher here. What about PLME ?

Congratulations @alwayshappy25 !:+1:t3::tada:

Wait what?! :face_with_monocle::flushed::expressionless:

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Mods are giving us training, how to use flag. :innocent:

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I never got a call :confused: rip

Kiddo didn’t make it to REMS :sob::sob:

On a positive note while we sail the doldrums of admissions waiting, he was just selected for a $20k (5k per year renewable) scholarship. So hopefully wherever he ends up, we can stack enough of these suckers and save the GI Bill for med school.

Not gonna lie-That rejection is brutal though

So does that mean you were rejected?

Same here :frowning: Oh well, I’m hoping for better news with Union/AMC

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By the way again there is twist in our decision making as his elder brother know his residency match at UPMC. If UPMC for elder one then I think family should not push and let son decide to go along with his brother if he gets into Pitt Gap

Again I think child should make his own decision instead of following his brother and Giving up Harvard Would be tough decision. Let me know your thoughts.

Harvard is a great choice if DC is not sure about being a MD right now.

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