Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

We r waiting as well. It’s more hypothetical question at this time but likely based on our estimate.

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Thanks for your response and inquire

  1. DC is Very committed to md path
  2. To DC, we are letting the cost to be the major factor
  3. ORM
  4. DC wants to have a good intellectual environment, not very competitive personality

Does anyone know how many have been waitlisted for Rice/Baylor Med out of the 25 interviewees? Since they are only picking 3 this year, will they take fewer on the waitlist than in years prior? Thanks!

That’s public data, you need Google skills :grinning: try searching school name pre health or premed acceptance or matriculation data

another example try “washu pre health applicant data” you see their data.

Did you already get results for in-state from UMKC BS/MD?

@grtd2010 was looking for UIC, Loyola etc

This is what google search gave -
Loyola Class Profile
UIC Medical school (GPPA)
This may not be what you want.

That’s medical school class profile, but I think he needs to premed results

Correct. Looking fro premed to Med School

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@srk2017 How accurate is this? Meaning is it authentic?


Give one school name and I will see what I can do.

UIC, Loyola University Chicago(LUC)

That’s accurate, data is from AAMC. Don’t go by acceptance rates given more and more are applying for more schools each year because of that. get 3.8+ GPA and 517+ MCAT and decent ECs you will get somewhere.


Yes, This is good/authentic data. But you want stats from UIC and LUC , Depaul going to Illinois medical schools - UIC COM, University of Chicago SOM, Northwestern University SOM, Carle IL SOM, Southern IL SOM, Rosalind Franklin, Loyola , Rush.

This is where i get lost sometimes.
For example, The GPPA program for UIC requires one maintain a certain GPA and get a certain MCAT score. 3.5/512. However, the same Med School requires 3.8 and 514 or so for med applicants. Why is there a 0.3 difference in the GPA? Let us say applicants have studied in the same UG.
At the end of the day i agree with @srk2017 Minimum of 3.8 and 517.

BSMD students are usually given a break for GPA and MCAT by medical schools because they are a captive audience. They can be a little selective when filling the rest of the class.

Those are average stats posted on the med school websites, for ORMs raise the MCAT between 4 to 8 points depending on the school and gpa by may be 0.1 to play safe … Besides the other grind.

@grtd2010 Thank You for the information. Trying to digest the data. Seems a little outdated as the numbers have changed a bit(UIC requires 3.8 GPA and 514 MCAT). However this is a very good reference. The number which jumped out to me is 84% being In-state entering M1

This is all I found for Loyola