Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

He will be competitive in all programs he applies. His stats are competitive.
Very few Carbbean Americans apply to BS/MD and practically every program have diversity goals.

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For Medical schools, rankings are meaningless.

@sam2024, IMO, see post #1232 about UG and medical school rankings - Rankings have a little value for medical profession. Agree with @NoviceDad post #1344.

@GoldenRock URochester REMS is a different story, but I wouldnā€™t recommend Rochester UG unless you receive major merit scholarships (Rochester has very few full-tuition scholarships) or FA. There are similarly ranked schools (Tulane, CWRU, etc.) that are more generous with merit scholarships and are equally good for UG.

The test score optional is fairly new and mostly popular due to covid; in your opinion what are the chances for the applicants who apply to BSMD programs without any score vs the ones that submit the scores ( SAT II and SATI). Should one even bother?

Anyone has an answer to my post #1337?

@rara-avis - certainly this year (2021 cycle) is an exception. Time will tell how the BSMD selection process turns out this year. The main unknown factor is how many kids have near perfect test scores this year.

My question to you is - Will colleges (even test optional) consider students with near perfect stats + whole 9 yards over kids without good scores or vice versa? Its not upto the colleges right? IMO - its based on the candidate pool. wonā€™t u agree?

After all, the # of BSMD seats remain the same the various programs - not to mention, NU HPME and WashU scholars program was discontinued so, there are slightly fewer BSMD seats this year so competition should be higher? do u agree?

Having said this, I want to point out that you asked a similar question in poster #97 to which I responded with below in poster #98


All the BS-MD applicants here have near perfect GPA, test scores, numerous ECs (sports, music etc.) in addition to significant medically related experience. Inspite of this, students do not get interviews in all/most of the programs they applied to. The competition is fierce and there are no guarantees.

The main difference is that the colleges are going test optional. So, the assessment is based on other criteria. BSMDā€™s will still be very selective. For example, UChicago was always test optional even before COVID-19 yet it is a very selective college.

With mandatory testing, students will not be able to apply if they donā€™t have SAT/ACT I and II test scores. So, students who are unable to take tests will be now able to select from a few BSMD programs that have become test optional. But, will have a limited choice so need to create their college list based on colleges that are not mandating SAT or ACT tests.

IMO, since everyone is allowed to take these tests multiple times, if possible students should take these tests. With Covid-19 isolation, while shadowing/volunteering experience is difficult to obtain, preparing for tests is very much possible. Students, if possible should take advantage of this and get the best scores possible.

That is certainly up in the air and depends on each college admission criteria as they donā€™t need to follow same set of rules. Are they score blind to apply? score blind for admission review? Where score be considered even if considered? It is certain it would put more emphasis on other aspects/criterias of application like ECs (this is even grey area as not everyone able to accomplish in pandemic otherwise they would have), essays etcā€¦ In light of not all information about applicants available to colleges, they are also humans and likely to have unusual hits and misses than otherwise typical years.

@sam2024 -

Like some seniors have mentioned in this forum, ranks donā€™t follow the same logic for BSMDs like undergrads. all BSMDs are more selective than Undergrads (even T10) and students undergo vigorous screening. All students who got into any BSMD are good.

Also, If you are considering ranking while coming up with your list, then ranking for both Undergrad and Medical school is important.

Passing from T10 undergrads doesnā€™t give you a career as a Doctor but passing out from a medical school does! Once you are a doctor, where you studied from doesnā€™t matterā€¦

Having said this, you previously asked a similar question in poster#554 and I responded your question in poster #557 about BSMD rankingsā€¦

@PikachuRocks15 - I agree with you in essence. However, it is too early to screen out colleges while students have just started applying to colleges.

However, I would like to point out that students should broadly apply to various BSMD programs. Right now, where a student will get in is not in their hands. Once they do get into a set of multiple programs, then by all means they can choose the program depending on the criteria that makes most sense to them, such as Ranks (UG or Med school) or scholarship received etcā€¦

@mygrad2021 - Ask your guidance counsellor. They would be able to guide you on how to report the grades, GPA, Cummulative GPA. This is no different for Undergrads vs. BSMDsā€¦

@Vicky2019 @PPofEngrDr Thank you both!

Speaking of ranking, it is subjective and which context being talked about. What is the objective of ranking?
Are you ranking for financial outcome? Than ranking doesnā€™t matter as most of them are making more of less same for their specialty besides the CoL, a dermatologist practice in NY/LA is far different than in Idaho.
Are you ranking based on opportunities you may have as medical student? Than ranking does matter.
Are you interested in a strong affiliation of hospital that has very well known program in a particular specialty? Than ranking does matter.
Do you have an interest in research in particular area? Than ranking does matter as generally research powerhouses can provide all necessary resources.
Are you just want to be a PCP in your hometown? Than ranking doesnā€™t matter.
This is one of reason why people choose Brown PLME as Brown is strong UG, but not so strong medical school.
All ranking does is providing a list of schools that may provide opportunities those otherwise you may not have.

Thank you @Vicky2019 ! I will let her know.

Nonne of the test optional schools are score-blind.

@PPofEngrDr and all

Great advise and I agree ranking is relative and good points suggested

Again end goal in mind is individual and at this age kids and parents advising have to take calculated guess with their limited exposure and decide as application process is tedious

Being cut throat competitive end of the day it depends what you can get in applying broadly helps

That means an applicant with score has an upper hand, irrespective of score, something is better than no-score.

Most of the time oneā€™s stats (MCAT score and UG GPA) are used as first screening criteria in regular route MD. IMO, BSMD is no different since it is the medical school who is the ultimate decision-maker not UG office. Consider your realistic chance based on your stats first then choose where to apply for BSMD as well as regular route MD. Even medical schools try to recruit UGs with high MCAT score regardless of UG institution using targeted mailing.

Most of the time oneā€™s stats (MCAT score and UG GPA) are used as first screening criteria in regular route MD. IMO, BSMD is no different since it is the medical school who is the ultimate decision-maker not UG office. Consider your realistic chance based on your stats first then choose where to apply for BSMD as well as regular route MD. Even medical schools try to recruit UGs with high MCAT score regardless of UG institution using targeted mailing.

Thank you @biomeds.

I just ordered the SAT scores where only required because its not competitive for ORM BSMD. Also added subject scores only where preferred(Drexel and RPI)