Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

I did not know until few weeks ago that a Math2 790 can be that bad. 800 or nothing for math as so many get a perfect 800. So it appears even 800 is not a game changer. And, I keep hearing on this forum any Chem score over 740 is good, if we look at the percentiles, it does not say so. Shall I ignore reporting these scores?

Little superstitious here, your well wishes resulted in my elder son acceptance into MS with thesis 5th year extension. ?


Congratulations !!!
Very happy for you, your son and the family.

Congratulations !!!
Very happy for you, your son and the family.



My thumb rule is: Report a score if >= 760.

@love4bsmd Our school counselor suggested in the past to take both Math 1 and 2 if you can because percentile number looks much better for Math 1, for example 790 gives you 98%. IMO 790 on Math 2 is still an OK score to submit, probably no need to submit 740 on Chem if you apply for Top 15 UG or BS/MD programs.

In the Education section of Common App, there is a place for Other School Info.
Use this section to write about your other school and details of Freshmen year.

Also, in the courses and grades section, I believe you can choose a numeric scale for that school.

Thanks @NoviceDad

One of my cousin’s child is an aspiring junior for BSMD. He has competed in All State and Local Orchestras. He has a 3.91 UW GPA, 33 ACT, and an overall rigorous schedule with IB/AP courses. Also, his involvement in two varsity sports and other relevant ECs including some medical ones and some not. Also he happens to be a Caribbean (black) islander living in KS. Is he a competitive applicant in terms of BSMD? He has not currently completed SAT II’s due to the current nature of things.

@Rob2439 Yes

@GoldenRock Extremely competitive at all BSMDs, such as the PLME or HPME, or specifically the other great ones as well? Also, if you were to add any tips or recommendations what would suggest?

Temple finally released their Health Scholars application. I find it funny that they ask applicants to go “in depth” and give them 100 words for the two essay prompts. 100 words to describe why medicine seems very truncated. I understand not wanting to read a bunch of long essays, but sheesh, they must have been taking lessons from Stanford (ha!)


HPME no longer exists. So I would say there’s zero chance to get in there.

I guess BU SMED will become his Second Dream School for BSMD Now

SAT score 1540 too low for Asian Indians for BSMD ? Score report says 99th percentile though. Should report or not to report and use my ACT 35 score ?’Thanx

I have a question regarding NJIT commonApp academics section. My daughter school gives semester wise grades. They were asking us to report all Honors/AP/College Prep courses in that section. How do we report that? Anyone has experience with that? I don’t think average gives the perfect grade.


Let him continue whatever he likes whether it is arts, sports, social. EC’s does not have to be a formal program or established hospital. As long he helps underserved population in any way genuinely.

Hard to say / predict if he is competitive since chancing outcome is futile. Let him apply to select few BS/MD programs of his liking. If it does not work out, he need to regroup and focus via regular route.

IMO, why medicine ? Just give 3-5 reasons towards your motivation for pursuing medicine. The other essay is usually related to your observations and suggestions for improvements in the current healthcare environment. Keep it sweet and simple. They usually have 6-8 students joint the program every year, nothing like programs with a large in take.

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@NoviceDad The numbers have likely changed, but I wanted to share these stats from Brown about PLME vs. Traditional route diversity at AMS:


WIth HPME and WASHU BS MD are not available…

Are PLME, CASE PPSAP or BU now the top programs ? Considering all are ranked and have intake 20 plus per year.

Excluding RIce Baylor as it only takes 5 or 6 and may have 2 URM’s minimum out of that with new diversity rules.

Nothing wrong with U of Rochester either for UG or MD. UPitt MD is good program