Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

@mom2boys1999 Stay safe and healthy. You are right, it is not advisable to wait until the last days to submit the application. You never know what will hit you. Even though I say that, my D is also struggling with deadlines and sometimes things get dragged to last days.


Generally heard good stuff about Pitt, not being too tough on GPA and good opportunities.

I can’t list all the private schools supposedly good for premed. But can suggest which ones to avoid, that is if the lure or prestige of their brand names is not too over powering.

MIT, Princeton, U Chicago, Cornell, Wash U and JHU. Not saying one cannot succeed there, but will probably involve lot more struggle than necessary and more sorry stories than success ones coming out from such schools.

@mom2boys1999 - So sorry to hear that you were impacted due to the storm. Glad that you are safe & kid submitted his applications by deadline !

VCU undergrad, not honors or BSMD, acceptances are out. Kid just got his.

@mom2boys1999 me too! good luck! hope you stay safe :slight_smile:

@mom2boys1999 @9the0girl7 - Did you get an email or the portal changed the status ?

My daughter received it too! She received an email that her application status changed. @mom2boys1999 , you take care!

Hope you all are safe and ok.

Congratulations @mygrad2021 when did she submit her application ?

@mom2boys1999 @9the0girl7 @mygrad2021


@TensedMom, Thanks! real story is later. She submitted on 25th of Oct.

Thanks @NoviceDad !

@mom2boys1999 @9the0girl7 @mygrad2021

Congratulations for VCU acceptance !!

@mom2boys1999 - Congratulations and Stay safe.

Daughters Pitt U-grad portal changed the status . Now it shows Accept or Decline to Dietrich Sch Arts and Sciences.

@TensedMom , when did she apply?

@mygrad2021 She applied on the 29th.

daughter accepted to VCU and NJIT undergrad! Good first steps everyone.

Thanks @TensedMom !

@doctorpenguin - Congratulations on your daughter’s acceptance to VCU and NJIT undergrad!

@TensedMom - Congratulations on your child’s UPitt UG acceptance

@mom2boys1999 @9the0girl7 @mygrad2021 - Congratulations on your child’s VCU acceptance !!