Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

Latest News by Reuters- Here is an excerpt from it. You can google it.

U.S. court upholds Harvard race-based admissions; Supreme Court appeal expected

“A U.S. appeals court on Thursday upheld Harvard University’s use of race in undergraduate admissions, rejecting a challenge by affirmative action opponents who said the Ivy League school’s policy discriminates against Asian-Americans.”

Stay safe and thanks for keeping our minds on what’s important.

@mom2boys1999 : sorry to hear about the hardship and stay safe. Also congrats on several admissions to colleges. I’m sure your son will get accept to 1 of the BS/MD schools, hopefully the 1 of his dream schools.


Our D plans to apply to Stony Brook soon for UG and BS/MD.

Any insights on how generous SB’s scholarships for OOS ? The school’s website is very generic with not much info there. We are hoping to get the cost down to in-state COA so cost is definitely a factor of whether we should apply.


Stonybrook gives you full tuition scholarship for undergrad, if you are accepted for BS/MD.

@doctorpenguin - Congratulations on your daughter’s acceptance to VCU and NJIT undergrad!

@TensedMom - Congratulations on your child’s UPitt UG acceptance

@NoviceDad, @Vicky2019 and any one else with more recent info on Stony Brook,

Could this generosity mean some kind of upfront compensation for what’s coming ahead?

How does the med school portion of tuition work for OOS students who get accepted to BS/MD?
At the time of matriculation 3 or 4 years down the line, are they considered on par with instate students coming through traditional route for that purpose?

Based on my memory from few years ago, the OOS students pay twice as that of in state ones which can easily translate to 100k+ per year of medical schooling.

Most state med schools are liberal in this regard, but who knows what is the policy of Stony brook. Heard earlier on the forum that UAB doesn’t allow any concessions for med school portion.

@mom2boys1999: do you know how many reco. letters need to be send to FAU BSMD program? Is it just one or more?

For the Presidential Scholarship at Stonybrook (the one that gives you full tuition ride), you need to maintain OOS status.
This means matriculating into Med school, you are OOS.
You pay OOS fees. Tuition for OOS is about 65K compared to 42K for In-state.

Correction, just checked, it is perhaps Michigan State that I got the tuition swapped with, where it is prohibitively expensive for OOS. Stony Brook seems not that bad but still OOS students pay more than 50% relative to their in state peers. So would be still good to know how it works out for BS/MD path and in decision making.

@NoviceDad, @Vicky2019 and any one else with more recent info on Stony Brook,

Could this generosity mean some kind of upfront compensation for what’s coming ahead?


@rk2017 -

Medical school (Renaissance Medical college) OOS tution is quoted as $65,160. Additionally students pay for room/board+ Food +Books etc.

As per state residency requirement for Renaissance Stony Brook Medical College, students need to meet state residency 12 months prior to be eligible for instate rates or at the time of their application. The initial residency determination is made at the time of admission.

My 2 cents on what is required to be considered in-state

-If a student is OOS for Undergrad because of their parents residency status, a student would have to prove that he was a resident one year before they applied for med school admission

-In order to be considered as instate, a student would need to carefully plan - which could include taking gap years after Undergrad, working, paying taxes before they apply. Usually applications need to be submitted one year before students join the medical school.

  • Because of the difference in school year vs. tax years - It is quiet possible that students end up taking 3 gap years before joining med school.

-There is an exception for the required time period which can be reduced if a student went to a High School in NY state for 4 years

NOTE: 2-3 years of gap is certainly fine for some students and worth waiting for
$43, 670 tution rate for in-state students

I can confirm that Stony Brook follows a step method for selection
Jan 15 – application deadline
First the students are given admission to Undergrad
Then, Stony brook will consider the students for three of the Honor programs – WISE (girls), The Honors college or University scholars.
Then, Stony brook will consider for Scholars for Medicine (BA/MD 8 yrs) & invite for interview
Interview is at the end of March.

OOS students are given Full Tution scholarship if they get into one of the Honors programs.

My S also got the Provost + NMF scholarship. Another kid (2020 cycle) @brainbuilder02 also OOS student mentioned receiving the same scholarship in 2020 cycle.

Additional info @Brainbuilder02 researched and provided in 2020 forum -

1000+ students applied to Scholars in Medicine Program.
40 candidates were interviewed
20 were offered acceptances for approx. 10 seats.
Typically 6-10 matriculate into the program.
Upon transfer of AP credits, there is sufficient historical precedence for these students to graduate the UG portion in 3 years.
In addition in state tuition for medical school is offered after 1 year of meeting residence requirements in NY.

Official 2020 match list for Stony Brook - Yale, Brigham, Cleveland Clinic, Stanford, Hopkins, Washington Children’s Hospital, Columbia, UCSF, Mount Sinai.

@NoviceDad , @rk2017 and @Vicky2019

Thank you for the great info. So, they get full tuition’s scholarship if they are accepted to one of the Honors program even if they don’t get accept to BS/MDMD program?

When the pandemic started, we trimmed down on the list of BS/MD schools so we only applied to couple schools. D is ok going to traditional premed track based on two main factors: cost and location (close to home).

Yes, if you get into one of the Honors program, you get w full tuition ride.

NOTE: Medical school costs of Stonybrook are more or less aligned with what most medical schools charge for OOS/ private medical schools.
The difference between In-state and OOS is ~100K for 4 years.
In my view, it is not worth taking a gap year for that.

Sorry if this was asked before but are we supposed to know by now if we got into UPitt’s undergraduate? I applied on 10/17 but there’s nothing on the portal except that they’re considering me for the bioengineering major.


Although tution cost differential for instate vs out of state for med school is very high for some like Michigan state both DO and MD programs but do agree it is not same with other state supported medical schools which can be absorbed and should not be a issue if you save on gap years Which is a norm with regular route

But for top BS MD Programs do they have any quota or any instate preference like Texas medical schools ?


Agree Stoneybrook has equivalent match list to top ranked BS MD programs like BU REMS

Do they have instate preference and how many OOS students they take ?

DD just received NJIT Honors college interview. The dates available are 23rd and 30th.

It typically takes about 4-6 weeks for UPitt undergrad to decide on an admission.
It may be okay to follow-up with the undergrad admissions next week and find out where your application is.
GAP applications are under review and based on emails that Pitt sent out, it will be around Dec 15 before supplemental application will be sent out.

Congratulations !!!