Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 1)

My S did not get into Penn I am assuming, called them Admissions did not know anything why the honors email was sent out, most likely thinking rejection; But hey got in NJIT interview, better to focus on bird in hand I guess. Although it sucks that after all the 8 some essays to Pen. state nothing out. I guess this is how it goes as everyone in this forum said one can’t get admitted into all we apply.

@Nebula1 When did he get NJIT interview notif?

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Hi to everyone

I think this is going to a long and painful process for everyone. My daughter got Penn state but did not get NJIT interview so I am not sure what to make of it. I don’t know if numbers make a difference at a point and it is based on factors not under anyone control at this point. ( her stats 1580 SAT UW GPA 4.0, W ACADEMIC 4.92) Keep working and submitting. Whatever the outcome, it will be the best option. Stay safe and sane and Good luck!!!

He got his NJIT last Friday; I think Penn state interview is more like a success than NJIT since it is the Med college interviewing you in the former whereas in NJIT it is only the undergrad evaluating you, then the Med college-first of many hurdles to pass !

We have applied for Penn State BS/MD program on 10/31. Yesterday, my S received an email from SKMC and they scheduled an interview during mid January.

Congratulations @RG1972 !

@InspireTruth - I also confirm that all finalists (selected by SKMC or not) will be automatically admitted to Eberly.

Most non-finalists in this forum will also get admission to Schreyer Honors College, if applied (with scholarship),

for PSU, were we supposed to select early action? still says my app is under review.

@NoviceDad - I would not read into the admission process about lesser # of applications or change in process etc…

In my personal opinion, their screening criteria must be more straight forward & well established.

Penn State/SKMC has also been ahead in the BSMD admissions in the past years…since this was the first interview invite as well as the first admission our S got last year as well.

I think it is required to not select Early Action. Will more interviews be sent out? I still have under review in my app.

@RG1972 - Congratulations! and Good Luck to your S

Does Penn state give silent rejections or does it actually tell its applicants after they make the decision?

My daughter called the admissions office and they said it was just a random email they went to everyone about Honors college. They are still processing the applications and inviting the students in the next few weeks for SKMC interviews. So as @NoviceDad said, looks like it’s little earlier than last year.

@aspiringbsmd2021 - I would not worry about early action as long as your child selected options for Penn State PMM/SKMC bsmd 7yr and wrote those essays etc…


So their statement was in effect they will be sending out more invitations? Like in a trickle?

@CollegeAddict934 - Based on my experience, all colleges/programs let us know about their decisions. There are no silent rejections.

Some programs communicate more (at each stage of screening) and some less (only once) but all will tell by their decision day!

@Nebula1 - I wanted to tell you that you are not alone…We all have faced this or are facing this…

There are students who had better luck with BSMDs in this forum but some others who had worse luck and on an average students apply to 12+ BSMDs and get interviewed by 3-6 and get into 1-3

What I am trying to say - every college/program screens out kids and not just because the kids are not good but because the competition is fierce and they want to maximize the chance that selected students choose their program/college if admitted.

The college admission process, doesn’t seem fair and is especially hard on ORMs in BSMD admissions.

@mygrad2021 - This seems consistent with last year for PSU/SKMC

It is the same for other programs as well such as RPI and BU about sending interview invites in waves/trickles…

Thank you @Vicky2019 ! Just want to tell everyone to still have some hope on PSU/SKMC.

@mygrad2021 - yes, I totally agree with you - we need Hope to keep us motivated…