Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

@ay2021 - congrats! I would go with Brown PLME. You may continue whatever you did in high school in college and you’ll still be competitive for residency.

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Harvard, you got 5 Ivies. You can do same with traditional path or one of the scholarship ones.


@ay2021- Just go with Harvard. No one is even close. Worry about MD after 4 yrs. I do not think Brown UG can match Harvard UG. You do UG only once in life time. You will do well in life so dont be scared of what happens 4 yr from now. Do what will make you happy.

My D already determined Columbia with some affinity for SBU MD and JHU. Had it been Harvard, she was done. Congrats.

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Are REMS PLME SMED HPME T5 BSMD or does rochester not line with brown

I just talked to a professor friend whose son is currently UPENN EE. His roommate maxed MCAT and is heading to Harvard medical school.

Think I know now 2 UPENN UG heading to UPENN ( declined UMiCh Med full ride) and Harvard medical school.

Thinks kids should not short chain their UG IVY/MIT dreams for less. Let chip fall wherever they after 4 years.

Well HPME no longer exists so that can be taken off the list.

is rems=brown=smed?

strong text[quote=“SeekingAdvice123, post:2631, topic:3511165, full:true”]
is rems=brown=smed?

You keep asking same question again and again. Don’t go purely by rankings

Based on what I’ve learned so far, you can’t go wrong with either of those options. It may just be a personal preference about the place, the UG experience, finances, MCAT requirements, etc based on which the “ranking” may change.

In my mind when I’d ranked the programs, it was Brown (I like the idea of an open curriculum + the prestige of an Ivy), REMS (Open Curriculum), and then SMED.

My ranking of cities: Boston > Providence > Rochester

If you throw finances or the years to MD, BU may be enticing for many with scholarships and 7 years. The residency match is toooo far in the future for me to even consider.

Too many damn variables! I may as well throw dice to pick my choice if I don’t have criteria that are too important.


@Vicky2019 To rk or srk! Lol :smile:

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To answer your question, yes their med school reputations are similar. Hopefully that gives you the validation you seem to be seeking…

@compengineer1 - I believe decision has to be individualized. It cannot and should not be assumed that an IVY premed student will go on to to a T20 medical school or any Med school. Each has to prioritize what’s important to them - IVY prestige (“dream of attending school X”), certainty of going into medicine, risk tolerance/aversion, finances/scholarships, geography, desire/interest to continue the intensity of EC/research/clinical-volunteer activities for an additional 4 years, how one feels of repeating an intense Med school application process again in 4 years (labor, travel, time, etc.), MCAT, GPA (is school known for grade deflation/inflation, different goals for BSMD vs traditional), etc.

having said that, based on your D’s qualifications, she can’t go wrong with the options she is considering as long as she is comfortable with whatever decision she (with your guidance) reaches - C, JH full ride, SBU BSMD.


College is not high school and a bell curve(Normal Distribution) is usually used in colleges. Only 15%-20% of students getting A may be quite normal in many colleges. A curve is a curve, it is done to differentiate among students. Some public colleges may be more stringent on grading.

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If you are still undecided, please randomly pick one and work hard during UG, ace MCAT. You can opt out and try traditional route if still crave for rankings.

Ask @rk2017, his/her DC may know better than anyone else here on CC ?

yes, we are leaning towards CWRU PPSP. Visiting college tomorrow for official tour.



100% Agree. Think these are tough decisions more so for kids due to multifactorial combinations!!

  1. If Prestige is important, IVYs supercede
  2. If Security, BS-MD
  3. If $, full ride or cheapest BS-MD.
  4. Other

Everyone looks at prism through their angle and experience- Perhaps experienced MDs provide a great angle that could be contrary to kids.

Perhaps many directions may converge or diverge after 4 years ( meaning whichever path, kid ends up at approx same or better or worse place)- No one will know.

For non- MD, people (like my IIT group)- IVYs/Caltech/MIT supercede. Remember they are used to taking risk.

For esteem MD group here, it seems BS-MD is better perhaps due to security reasons.

For many, with $ important, cheapest option is best.

I being practical also think cheapest BS-MD is the best option; however, I will go with D’s decision and if she wants one of the 5 IVYs, she goes there.

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One definitely need FAFSA/CSS if expecting need-based aid whether it’s federal or school
grants. Based on the income and assets you can compute the EFC and any possibility of getting need-based. If you are in the borderline you should apply and it may be beneficial. But most of us on this forum willing to shell out anywhere from 250K-600K for BSMD programs (out of pocket and/or other loans) are not eligible for need-based. So who wants to take-up yet another application process and all that just to get 5K+ unsubsidized loan which is nothing in large scheme of things and probably has higher interest rate than HELOC/home-equity at present. And its yearly process and hence can be submitted next year if financial situation changes.


In India, decisions are so easy- IITs are perhaps the cheapest also. Either IIT if you get and mighty IITB CS/ECE or no IIT.

For MBBS, think not sure how they select- AIIMS followed by what?

If you know for sure you will not attend a specific bsmd program please consider sending them a decline email. Pay it forward to the students on the waiting list. This is an exhausting roller coaster ride that for some of us is still ongoing. My DD only got so far as being waitlisted to one program. Hope is already in small supply🤓