Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Don’t they start with about 1000 kids?

Thank you, @grtd2010, @srk2017, @Vicky2019, @NoviceDad. Will revert back if something changes.

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Yeah, without knowing details we can’t use that data point.

Application cycle is long and tiring but again key is smart planning and ability to reuse essays. Luckily this year no traveling so DS was able to attend 11 interviews.

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SMED is around 130k more expensive over 7 years for me

My son has a similar list of schools to consider and we really like CWRU (admittedly we like them a little less since my son’s rejection from PPSP on Monday night). Also considering CMU, Wash U, Pitt, BU, Rochester, GW and a few others. I suppose the nice thing about BSMD programs is it gives you some other reasonably solid schools with merit to consider.

I think it was a good experience for my son to go through all this, he made the first cut for Pitt, got the interview for CWRU and thought he might have a shot at Brown PLME. He was already considering MD/PhD as a high school senior so he was torn about taking the MCAT if he had been accepted for PPSP or PLME.

Good luck to your child with their decision.

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Like in all college, a number of kids start out thinking pre-med but the numbers only firm up after their first few science courses.

You better eat rice and beans only during first couple of years as physician and pay off that amount if you are taking loans.

Also, come back and share your experiences in BSMD experience thread and you better score at least 99th percentile in MCAT.

All mid tier schools give merit to strong students, otherwise most will go to state flagships. 75K for UG is ridiculous and they know it.

Experts @NoviceDad @srk2017 and others

we are already inclined towards Harvard but I thought we were done but what is experts opinion if the end goal is MD with surgical specialization as my elder child wants to start a discussion on BS MD option vs Harvard Premed with younger one

Pitt bs md undergrad cost of attendance including everything is 20k /year - merit tution OOS
Pitt med is same COA as Private or Ivy med schools

  1. And Harvard COA 75 k Premed can Target T10 Med schools with scholarships and also give a shot with NYU free tution etc and chances to apply for MD PHD at T5

You could easily guess my answer, go big and have a chance to soar like an eagle (bird analogy).

You could probably make up tuition difference in medical school. DS got scholarship from UCSF and waiting to hear from UPenn. Now a days except Harvard and Stanford most medical schools are willing to negotiate if you have admission and/or scholarships from top schools. Since NYU is going up in the ranks and they want to compete.

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Thank you, @Didjaco. Wishing your son the very best.

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And half of them are premeds for parents sake :slight_smile: Given salaries for CS and some of other majors it’s not easy to stay as premed. DS’s first year roommate started as wanting to do MD/Ph.D and then MD only and by end of first year switched to CS.

Good decision to take CS and make money. Come back to do MD later without any loans.

or hit IPO jackpot and retire early or do medicine for fun.

what is the general consensus from you all about undergrad prestige mattering for med school? i am aware that top med school interviews r largely made up of interviewees from top undergrads too so i was wondering if going to umich, unc, uva and the like would hinder me in any way as i do want to aim for t20 med schools or does it j come down to me having to stand out more?

@compengineer1 In earlier post you mentioned “She decided and does not want to talk!!!”.

Don’t be surprised not only D, all the posters here also will follow your D!!! Kidding aside, our human nature is so complex and contradictory many times. With some of your posts and your background in strong religious and philosophical thought process, here is my question.

Why do we need to save so much money when we are not going to take any thing and so you mentioned you have no problem in spending for Ivy. On the same token, why do you think it matters if your D attends Columbia vs UPenn. Let us say even if UPenn is better, how does it matter when she gets satisfaction and happiness at C, let her make her choice. When she is happy, you and your family is happy.

Coming back JHU, not sure if she changes other majors, will JHU still honor the full ride? Though many feels JHU is tough for Pre-med but best for pre-med. At the end, we can not have it and eat it too. As long as your D is not willing for that choice, it is not worth the fight. So go with C if she is so clear in her choice.

Personally I would prefer JHU but she is the one need to undergo and you are the one need to pay. Students need to understand at the end of the day, whether MCAT or Step 1 or 2 or board exam, whether you are studying at 250+ ranked UG or 50+ ranked medical school vs T5 in UG or MD T5, you need to study. That is inevitable. Only student need to study for 10+ hours non stop for step 1 (even if it is going to be P/F). Schools are not going to study for you.


Do you have any Ivy admissions? Only Harvard, Stanford are worth the cost over other T20 privates with merit or in-state public T20s.

Kiddo just dropped his behind in the bed next to me (as I am currently recovering from surgery) and monkey wrenched our lives with:

“I am torn between Stanford and Brown”

:flushed::weary::exploding_head: hmmmmm

no unfortunately i did not get so lucky on ivy day but i do have some t20s in northwestern, washu but am leaning away from them because id have to pay full price and im not too fond of the quarter system. unc is in state for me so that’s my likely destination.

so that being said my question is, will unc put me at a disadvantage for t20 med schools or does it not matter as long as my profile is up to par etc?

The reason why the number of residency slots has not increased is simply due to politics. The US government funds the residency programs through various government programs, and they have not increased funding due to political reasons.

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