Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

You have read the Vandy data correctly.

This is something I had shared much earlier - Vandy students applied/ matriculated to 144 medical schools.

Stonybrook is a solid medical school.


Tomorrow is the Deadline for accepting offers.

Once you do that, please share your stats+ perspectives in the results thread, if you have not done so already.

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There seems to be quite the hot debate about BS/MD vs top 20 schools.

While the fear mongering ideology has some merit, out of a sample size of around 25 students that when to top 20 UGs (compiled from people I known as well as from parents on this forum earlier), very few of these students ended up at top medical schools. On top of that, fewer ended up in top medical specialties. In addition, a vast majority that ended up at top medical schools required 1-2 gap years.

If you are alright with spending 300K at an ivy leauge with a potential risk for needing one gap year, by all means suite yourself. From a investment perspective, the ivy league route is much more expensive with more risk. For example, if you end up going to Yale for UG and make it to Harvard Med School with one gap year, you technically lost around $300-500K worth of an attending salary (due to taking gap year).

On the side note, certain BS/MD programs are not worth applying to because they cost $400-500K total. I highlighted these ones in my post on the results thread.

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do people enroll at multiple places and then just inform colleges at a later stage that they will not attend?

Thanks for sharing. How would a student manage to apply 144 medical schools?

No, it is not allowed. Only one acceptance.

Between the Rice UG (traditional) and [TAMU]( early acceptance program (BSMD). Any last minute suggestions?

TAMU BSMD may be, if your prefer to stay in medicine and texas medical school.

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I have the similar situation. Thank you for the input

True, but not everything in life is about money :slight_smile: It’s about getting better education and experiences. I can definitely say Vanderbilt is more enriching for my kid than his BSMD choices. Also going to Harvard medical may make it easier to get into higher paying specialty.

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If Rice is full pay I also vote for TAMU given you are in TX.

so that means lot of people will drop off or decline and waitlists will start moving starting next week?

Not necessarily, since schools accept more than the number of seats, knowing well, most will have multiple acceptances. Some WL may move.

@grtd2010 @srk2017. This really helps. Thank you.

No, he meant Vandy students got admission into 144 different schools not one student. Also, lot of students opt for in-state medical schools given the cost or wanting to be near family or SOs.

Also, lot of kids are taking gap years to gain experience even though they don’t need. It’s not about going to medical school and start making money for lot of schools, this generation think differently.

but if you come off waitlist, then you can withdraw from the place that you accepted, right?

Provided majority of them ends up in highly sought specialties, reality is most would end up in primary care and initial stage of life will not earn more than 200K for them.

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yes you can, at most you would lose deposit for first acceptance.
Edit: a good friend corrected me on my typo.

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Yes, you basically withdraw from one and join the other. You may lose your deposit at the former place.