Three more top economists start at UW

<p>Undergraduate research was a major draw for Alan Sorensen, one of two tenured professors who left Stanford to join UW-Madison’s economics department.</p>

<p>“I spent eight years at Stanford teaching exclusively graduate students,” says Sorensen. “I think it will be fun to teach students at an earlier stage, drawing them in — hopefully! — to the intellectually exciting aspects of economics. Right now, the collection of economists on the faculty is outstanding.”</p>

<p>Colleague Robert Staiger could be considered a double-boomerang: He began his career at Stanford, taught at UW-Madison from 1993-2006, returned to Stanford, and now comes back to UW-Madison. This year’s effort also netted P. Dean Corbae from the University of Texas at Austin, who has a joint appointment to teach finance in the Wisconsin School of Business.</p>

<p>The economics department’s astonishing recruitment power during the past few years is a story in itself. Between major gifts and support from the first two rounds of the Madison Initiative for Undergraduates, the department has gained eight new faculty positions since 2009.</p>

<p>But the city itself remains a top recruitment tool for every department. Sorensen’s family left their roots on the West Coast, but he, his spouse and their sons have found a hearty welcome in Madison. </p>

<p>New</a> faculty eager to make their mark (Sept. 23, 2011)</p>

<p>Great to hear!</p>

<p>How good is Wisconsin’s economics department?</p>

<p>Right now–Top 10. It was Top 10 for many years and then slipped in the early 2000s to Top 20 as some top people–like Staiger–left for more money. Now they have backfilled and then some with a number of senior hires–something they don’t usually do.</p>