Three Word Story

<p>to help rebuild their bodies</p>

<p>, them gay cows.</p>

<p>Reminds me of a joke:</p>

<p>"A Rabbi and gay cow....</p>

<p>and a three-legged dog</p>

<p>were spontaneously combusting, when suddenly</p>

<p>someone screamed out, "Hot Dog!"</p>

<p>Chaos Theory combusted with them.</p>

<p>The pretzel man got jealous...</p>

<p>(d'yer, i think we crossed posts!)</p>

<p>and BXR'd Hot Dog Man.</p>

<p>And the next day, internal</p>

<p>bleeding resulted from the lame</p>

<p>joke that I now finished."</p>

<p>Wow, I'm impressed! There's actually a thread of logic between this page and the last!</p>

<p>Meanwhile, parking meters and demons</p>

<p>ate lots of delicious cupcakes</p>

<p>as order was restored throughout</p>

<p>the south pole. I jumped</p>

<p>out of these pages into</p>

<p>delicious spaghetti dinner</p>