Tide Talks VII - Erasing the stigma surrounding mental illness

<p>Last April, my D was selected as one of four presenters for the Tide Talk VII. She spoke about her battle
with mental illness - mainly anxiety and depression. With the new semester coming up, this might be a
good video to share with your kid(s) to let them know that resources are available. They just have to take
that first step.</p>

<p><a href=“http://vimeo.com/102575525”>http://vimeo.com/102575525</a></p>

<p>Thanks for sharing. This is a message students need to hear. </p>

<p>Thank You!!! </p>

<p>It is a subject that is quickly swept under the rug, hushed, kept quiet, not discussed, etc. It should not be. Too many people suffer alone, feel isolated, like it is all them, no one knows, etc. One of our high school band directors committed suicide this past January after stopping treatment. Every year many college kids commit suicide. For so many unknown reasons all because no one bothered to notice the signals and intervene or talk about it. Even at UA. Last year there were 2 that I know of. It is heartbreaking when young people with so much before them fall into a depression, desperation, anxiety, thoughts of the unknown w/ graduation ahead of them. Their life is about to change and some just don’t know how to cope and think there is no one there for them, no one else has those thoughts, etc. They need to know they are not alone. They need to know there is help. They need to know that they don’t need to be ashamed. It breaks my heart every time I hear of a young person with so much going for them that thinks that this is a viable option. </p>

<p>Shamrock Dad, thank you and your daughter for sharing </p>

<p>In light of Robin William’s today, this is a very relevant topic. Thank you for sharing.</p>

<p>D asked me to post the video in hopes that if anyone is in a similar position, there is help available.</p>

<p>Great job, ShamrockDad D! Good for her for speaking out. I applaud her courage to do so. Our Ds know each other. They were in CBH seminar together last semester. </p>