Time management

<p>For those juniors in Highschool its getting near to AP's and SAT's , etc and you still need to manage decent grades in school. How do you guys manage your time to do all this? There are some methods of managing your time, like sleeping 1 hour after u come home from school and then study til mignight etc... Can you guys post how u manage your time?</p>

<p>1) Try doing some of your homework in school.
2) Study for an hour for SAT and AP exams each day.</p>

<p>Don't take your APs and SATs at the same time (imo). Take SAT 2's and APs at the same time if your courses for the two are similar. I study during Spring Break and it has worked every year.</p>

<p>LOL.. spring break? Our's in like the first week of march, so that deosnt work..</p>

<p>but srsly, how do you manage your time.. im like freaking out... no sats though, i just took mine in april, so regardless im taking it in june after school ends.. so how do you manage your time.. it seems like im alwaysss tired, but i sleep for an hour when i get home, so i dunno..</p>