Timeline for presidential scholarship

If you apply as soon as you can and send in all parts of the application on time as well as qualify for the presidential scholarship when is the earliest you can hear back with your offer and can accept? Does being accepted into honors affect this timing? Is this done on a rolling basis as general admission to UA is (at least I think it is)? Thank you!

See this timeline, documented in the following thread: http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1784243-important-dates-for-entering-freshmen-and-future-applicants.html#latest) .

You will get notification of your UA admittance SEPARATE to your UA scholarship letter. Being accepted into Honors College should not affect any of this timing. (You apply for HC after you are admitted to UA.) General admission is rolling to a certain extent, with the “priority admissions consideration” (UA’s words: http://gobama.ua.edu/apply/) deadline being Feb 1st…but scholarships deadline is very strictly December 15th (http://scholarships.ua.edu/freshmen/index.html) .