Timetable Clashes

<p>Does the online system allow students to enroll in subjects even if they clash? I'm currently enrolled in an ECE subject but would like pick up a MHR subject but the lectures clash in the last/first 10-15 minutes. I'm trying to get approval for the MHR subject so I can't try it out online but it would be good to get a heads up so I can decide whether or not to drop out of one or the other. Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>You can’t enroll for a class that overlaps with a class you are already enrolled in.</p>

<p>I would not think it advisable to overlap classes- don’t forget you also have travel time between buildings and some class periods will be used for exams- potentially on the same day. It is one thing to skip one lecture, another to routinely miss a large percentage of every lecture. Don’t underestimate the worth of the professor’s lecture time. I do know that it is possible to sign up for a different section of a course with a lecture and discussion than you attend with a professor’s permission- son did this once to avoid an overlap (he got a discussion/lab that matched the same professor’s other lecture- this also was not as an new student).</p>