Tips on IB Exams (specifically, economics)?

I don’t want to go too much into details, but here’s the gist:
I’m taking IB classes for the first time this year, and the one class that’s killing me is IB Econ. The class work/discussions are fine, but when it comes to midterms and finals? Nope. I do awful in it.

I think it might be because I’m really used to how I write my papers in my other AP classes I’ve taken previously so I’m not exactly used to the format…
It never seems like I can be detailed enough…
I tried looking at other IB Econ papers, but usually the ones I found were “samples” that had LOW marks. Not really something I wanna look at…
Can someone give me a concise format on how the papers are supposed to be written? Or any tips in general would be nice.

Are we talking IAs or Externally Assessed work? If it’s IAs, your teacher is going to be the best resource. If it’s EAs, my best advice would be to look at is as though you were grading with a checklist. Obviously your grader is going to have to check out that you have details to the nth degree, but you also have to make sure that you’re not just tossing in details for the sake of words. Make sure that everything you say is fully supported without being too long-winded, and make sure that your points all flow to support your big idea.

Paper 1:

10 Mark Question

-Define relevant terms (but don’t go overboard, 1-3 definitions will suffice)
-Gives some examples
-Diagram - describe the diagrams (in DETAIL)
-Analysis: analyse the theory you’re talking about (as well as the solution your proposing, if relevant)

You need to analyse in depth to get a 7 on this question. I recommend you study from the Oxford IB Economics Course Companion - its great and has all information you need to get a 6 or 7 on the final exam.

15 Mark Question

Repeat everything you need to do for the 10 mark question but go don’t analyse as much. 50% of the essay should consist of definitions, diagrams and analysis and the other 50% should be analysis if you’re looking to get above 12/15. Evaluation is the hardest part of economics so you need to practice a lot to do well - if you can’t evaluate properly you will not get above a 5 overall, regardless. When evaluating take these things into consideration:

-Long and short term effects
-Assumptions: Are assumptions being made that the theory depends on but aren’t true? Discuss
-Stakeholders: What effect does the policy or whatever have on the government, consumer, producer etc - consider all aspects
-Pros/cons of the theory, solution etc
-Priorities: discuss the priorities of the governmnent/producer/society etc

Aim to discuss 3 of those things in your essays so your evaluation of the economic theory is very good. I can’t advice you on how to answer paper 2 questions since we haven’t gotten that far yet (I’m a junior) but if you’re doing HL economics, paper 3 should be easy marks but only if you learn the formulas and practice. My economics teacher gave us this booklet - it has all the formulas you need for paper 3 questions, sample answers and practice questions, its amazing so I recommend you use it:

Follow this general structure for any essay your writing (including your IA commentaries):

-Key Terms
-Diagram + explanation of diagram
-Analysis of the theory
-Evaluation of theory/solution etc

This is the advice my economics teacher gave us regarding our essays/test responses - he’s an economics examiner and also write the IB economics final exam questions.

Just to add on: When you’re writing your notes make sure to have a syllabus copy in hand. As you write your notes make sure to check off each syllabus points as you go along so you don’t forget to learn anything. It is essential to know everything on the syllabus to get a 6 or 7.