To All MontaVista High Kids

<p>Hey I know there are some MontaVista or South Bay kids here. I was wondering if you could attest the the accuracy of this article. Is this really going on? What are your feelings about it? Just curious.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>there are some mv ppl here</p>

<p>I love how as soon as the White folks start to feel like a minority or feel inferior all hell breaks loose and they start fleeing schools and the WSJ documents everything.</p>

<p>bump .</p>

<p>Asian Power! (Filipino Power right here, to be exact.)</p>

<p>""Certain stereotypes come to mind -- 'those people are good at math,' " he says."</p>

<p>Well yeah...they are!</p>

<p>That article was old science and tech school was 40% asian and nobody was complaining. The asians have it figured out and are extremely educationally oriented, why should we hold it against them and make comments like "ohhh only asians are going to after school study programs". </p>

<p>"administrators, parents and students say white students end up in the stereotyped role often applied to other minority groups: the underachievers"</p>

<p>Not only is that title true, but it's well deserved. White kids (and this is coming from a white girl btw) are, on average, bigger slackers than most and care less about school and more about what party they're going to get drunk at this weekend.</p>

<p>Why can't the adults see it how it is? Stop trying to make it a question of race.</p>