To all my economic majors and economist alike...

<p>For an economics major, if you could choose only 2 of the these 3 economic electives, which ones would you choose and why? And which one is more relevant in our day and age as of 2011 and onward?</p>

<li>Economics - Money & Banking </li>
<li>Economics - Behavioral Economics</li>
<li>Economics - International Economics</li>

<p>money and banking + int’l econ would be more useful in my opinion. behavioral econ sounds more of a psychology course</p>

<p>The course description says 2. Economics - Behavioral Economics “is a non-technical introduction to the intersection of psychology and economics. Same as PSY 23” so you’re right, it’s a psychology course.</p>

<p>1 and 3 (I am not an econ major)</p>

<p>Behavioral economics might be worth taking if you are interested in doing scholarly work(as a grad student trying to get a paper published or as a PhD) and would be interested in doing research in that area. You might have an easier time contributing something of value in that area than you would in a harder, more technical area.</p>

<p>Money and Banking, and International economics. The international economics course is crucial in today’s world.</p>