To anyone who has the audacity to ask "What is the best prep?"

<p>1) Search function</p>

<p>2) reviews</p>

<p>3) <a href=""&gt;;/a>
<a href=""&gt;;/a>
<a href=""&gt;;/a>
<a href=""&gt;;/a>
<a href=""&gt;;/a>
<a href=""&gt;;/a>
<a href=""&gt;;/a>
<a href=""&gt;;/a>
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>There, now 99% of the threads in this forum should disappear.</p>

<p>Hi there,</p>

<p>Could someone please tell me what is the best prep book for the following subjects:</p>

Calculus AB


<p>Just kidding. ; )</p>

<p>^Jerk :P</p>

<p>Cliffnotes for Bio. Barrons for Psych. </p>

<p>In case anyone was wondering, my ability to perceive sarcasm over the internet is lacking. So forgive me for “helping” absent.</p>

<p>He just said “Just kidding” in gray, below “Thanks.”</p>

<p>Gray colored font on a gray background? I couldn’t see it :[</p>

<p>Must be going blind.</p>

<p>Lol don’t sweat it I couldn’t see it either but my ability to detect sarcasm over the internet is superior to yours.</p>

<p>fail thread? people like hearing responses from things other than half a$$-ed random reviews on amazon. ive seen reviews on the books from ap readers…just saying how stupid some kids are. </p>

<p>Most people dont come in blind about what books to buy or question which ones they should.</p>



<p>Fail response? I posted two other options for garnering opinions on what book to buy.</p>

<p>If people didn’t post threads asking which AP prep book was the best, the world would be a very boring place indeed. </p>

<p>I say, let the ignorant ask questions. Even if they annoy the hell out of the rest of us. In return for being annoying, they get cussed at and eventually they get the answer they were looking for. And as a result, both them and the timid onlookers don’t ask the same question again. Exceptions do exist :P</p>

<p>The consolidated list of AP prep books is too long and does not provide enough information/comparisons.</p>

<p>The only threads I’m tired of seeing are Psych and Bio. But those have died down lately.</p>

<p>Times change, it’s always good to update the best prep book.</p>

<p>^ AP tests are standardized, so it’s not correct to say that “times change.”</p>

<p>ap psychology is for queers</p>

<p>banjoman you are a gentleman and a scholar</p>

<p>^Of course. He plays the banjo. It comes with the trade.</p>

<p>“ap psychology is for queers”</p>

<p>the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.</p>

<p>^ I second the OP. The search feature is there for a reason, yet so many overlook it.</p>

<p>james…i explained why one(amazon) of them sucked. and its hard to not notice the important stickied thread. The thread is decent…but its a pain to get multiple opinions because of its size and its basically one person’s thoughts/some personal reviews</p>