To apply early or not?

<p>for engineering</p>

<p>Hey im running out of time before i can hand my apps in to the school for early applications and im really unsure on what to do. The schools that i was considering applying early to are swarthmore, carnegie mellon, or possibly but not likely columbia.I love both cmu and swarthmore but theyre very different, and to be honest im not sure which woul dbe I really dont like the idea of having to decide so quick and being bound to one school. It just seems it really bumps your chances up. I was also treying to find a school to apply ea to maybe instead, but it seems no good engineering schools do early action. I considered applying to a school i like that doesnt have engineering EA just to have a school i like that i could go to.</p>

<p>Its all so confusing</p>

<p>Please help!</p>

<p>io posted this in engineering forum then realized it owuld prolly be better here.</p>

<p>ok to be a little more specific:</p>

<p>Will ED make or break my app?</p>

<p>quick review my gpa fresh-senior is something like 3.55w, 4.4w, 4.25w, and this year shuold be over 4.4w. SAT was 720m 700v 690w. My ECs are ok, nothing great. I do a lot with my synagouge and ahve committments over time but no real "leadership" or anything like that. Also no awards unless you count NMS commended and ap scholar or whatever that is. so thats pretty much me. I want to apply to these schools probably:
Swarthmore, CMU, Columbia, Penn? Northwestern?, bucknell, lehigh?, rutgers, TCNJ?</p>

<p>im mainly interested in swarthmore or cmu, just not really sure which will suit be better as they are very different. Is it worth it to go ED at one to increase my chances or is it not as big a deal as it seems? btw ive only interviewed at swarthmore</p>

<p>finally, if im not gonna apply ED, would it be a good idea to apply EA at a school i really like even if it doesnt haven engineering, like chicago ro georgetown?</p>