To college, and beyond....

<p>I was thinking that with a substantial number of Hispanic students passing through this website in HS and while working on college applications, it would be helpful to list some programs, opportunities, etc. available for college students.</p>

<p>I will start with a program that D1 did the summer after her fr year and was the final experience that convinced her to pursue a medical career:</p>

<p>SMDEP—Summer</a> Medical and Dental Education Program</p>

Summer Medical and Dental Education Program (SMDEP) is a FREE (full tuition, housing, and meals) six-week summer academic enrichment program that offers freshman and sophomore college students intensive and personalized medical and dental school preparation.


Program Offerings Include:
Academic enrichment in the basic sciences (organic chemistry, physics, biology) and pre-calculus/calculus
Career development
Learning-skills seminar
Limited clinical exposure
A financial-planning workshop


Program Sites:
Case Western Reserve University
Columbia University
Duke University
Howard University
University of California-Los Angeles
UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical and New Jersey Dental
University of Louisville
University of Nebraska
University of Virginia
University of Washington
University of Texas-Houston
Yale University


To be eligible for SMDEP, an applicant must:</p>

<p>be currently enrolled as a freshman or sophomore in college;
have a minimum overall GPA of 2.5;
be a U.S. citizen or hold a permanent resident visa; and
not have previously participated in SMDEP.</p>

<p>Other factors considered in the admissions process include whether an applicant:</p>

<p>identifies with a group that is racially/ethnically underrepresented in medicine and/or dentistry (as defined independently by each program site);
comes from an economically or educationally disadvantaged background;
has demonstrated interest in issues affecting underserved populations; and
submits a compelling personal statement and strong letters of recommendation.</p>

<p>Each SMDEP site makes its admissions decisions on a "first come, first served" basis, therefore applying as early as possible increases your chance of being selected at your designated program site(s).


<p>The application period for SMDEP is currently OPEN!</p>