To college students or grads: What REALLY is important in choosing a college

What do you think are the most important factors when choosing/living at a college, given that you have experience with what is important and not?
Examples: food, dorm types, availability of classes, closeness of classes, weather, etc?

Food. There’s a reason that I picked this username :wink:

Anyways, I’m still in HS, but I can give some advice. First, you need a school with the program you’re interested in (well, duh), and one that you can afford and are willing to pay for. Then, you need to consider the type of school that you’re looking at. I’m an engineering kid, and am mostly looking at mid-size research universities that are near metropolitan areas, because that’s the type of school I decided I would do best at. Then, tour and revise your list as necessary.

Can you afford the net price, after financial aid and scholarships?

Does it have the academic offerings that you are interested in studying?

The sticky at the top of this page has hundreds of responses to this question.