To go or not to go: Colby students take different paths to Waterville college

"Max Morrione was supposed to be a first-year student this fall at Colby College. Instead he is herding cattle this September in New Mexico. His older brother, Logan Morrione, who was sent home in March, is back on campus starting his sophomore year. Come next fall, they hope they’ll both be in Waterville as Colby students.

Returning to college, and to what extent to take part, is one of the challenging decisions many families must make during this time of the coronavirus pandemic.

Logan Morrione graduated from Portland’s Deering High School in 2019; Max, 17, is a 2020 Deering grad. For most of their lives, their age difference meant little. This year, though, that one year created a major impact.

The Morrione brothers, of Portland, exemplify at least two of the choices college students can make when faced with the dilemma of what to do when confronted by COVID-19." …