To those who don't like college and wish to go back to high school:

<p>Please list which college you're at and why you hate it. Thank you.</p>

<p>Norwegian school of management</p>

<p>No electives, all classes are mandatory to obtain a degree, and it doesn’t matter what your major is, you still have to take a bunch of BS classes… so that’s why I’m hoping to transfer to LSU or another one of the colleges I’ve applied to. Hate the fact that I’m a PR major and I have to take statistics, macro and micro economics and price theory in addition to business economics(you’d think I was a freaking business major!)</p>

<p>^Thanks! Any more please?</p>

<p>I’m very interested in hearing from people whose college they hate is an Ivy League or something of the sort.</p>

<p>Boston College.</p>

<p>I commute to school, and while I don’t mind the commute, I feel disconnected from the campus. My choice to commute to college was perhaps one of the more ill-conceived choices in my life. That being said, BC is great school academically, and I have no doubt I’ll probably earn a B.S. there and be another apathetic alumnus.</p>

<p>And, QuantumArbiter, there are people who attend Ivy League schools and dislike their respective schools. I remember on the Dartmouth forum there was one guy who wrote on his experiences and complained that the frats were too dominant and that people drank too much.</p>

<p>Is it easy to transfer out of an Ivy League school to another school with a better “fit”? Does it require “passion”? Does being an “URM” help? 10 char.</p>

<p>Does PR major mean Public Relations major? At a management (aka business management) school?</p>

<p>Of course you are going statistics, marketing, and micro/macro economics. They are the freakin’ backbone of understanding how public relatons works.</p>

<p>And people get wasted at every college (excluding Bob Jones or what have you).</p>

<p>A lot of colleges have their problems but I wouldn’t dare go back to high school where 50% of the population there minimum are name-calling, pompous jack-asses.</p>

<p>It’s more of a PR/advertising major… and what I react to is not the classes themselves as I understand that they are somewhat relevant to my major, but the fact that the students are obligated to take these courses, and have no elective classes, unless of course you choose to pay 400 dollars pr. credit hour for classes that do not go towards building your degree. </p>

<p>I see no reason for there to be 6 “business classes” in one year, and one communications class when you are a public relations major… however had it been that these classes spread out more evenly I would probably enjoy school more… but that is no longer of interest as I have been accepted to my number 1 school :slight_smile: So as soon as summer rolls around, the norwegian school of management can kiss my patooty!</p>

<p>small edit: Marketing is my absolute favourite class and was not mentioned in my OP :wink: I am actually paying 1600 dollars for an international marketing class this semester…it’s the painstakingly boring math that kills me :P</p>