Today is the day... how is ur day goin so far?

<p>these past 4 or so min of today have been a combination of stomach queasiness and hamlet analysis haha =] sounds like a good start =P
ahhh i am so excited for today, but i know how heartbroken i will be if i dont get in, no matter how much i try not to be</p>

<p>Today is the day… i doubt i have to explain why todays so important… but what about everything else in ur life going today besides columbia decision… I for one will probably not get any sleep tonight not cause of columbia but because of an english research paper that i put off until last night and its due in 7 hrs… so im just hoping that a) the weather gods give us a snow day tomorrow b) i turn in a crappy paper but get into columbia in which case i really dont care about what i get on that peper c) i fall asleep and while writing my paper and dont wake up until 5pm and get acceped … as long as it isnt a dream cause if i wake up and find out i was really rejected i dont know what im gonna do lol…</p>

<p>how is ur post before mine lol thats weird</p>

<p>haha idk!!! cc’s been really messed up with posts lately! like ties are off and yeah weirddd</p>

<p>I did absolutely no homework tonight. I absolutely cannot focus.</p>

<p>I don’t have school today. So I’m staying up outrageously late. I plan to wake up this afternoon around 3. I’ll watch a video for 2 hours and by that time my decision will be waiting for me. SOMEBODY HELLLPPPP MEEEE!</p>

<p>Heh. I’m still not done with my math project -_-. Also, I have a singing competition today…which means I won’t really be singing as much as shaking uncontrollably throughout the entire event. Also, I think taking a gander at the Dartmouth forum was a big mistake. Ahhhhhhhhhh!! #$%@^#%$$@^#^#%$#%^#&@&$*$</p>

<p>GreatUserName… how do you have no school?
you are so lucky.</p>

<p>i have school. and have to sneak onto the computer at 2 so i can check the status.</p>

<p>i cant focus, but i have a business project due tomorrow… bleh.
too much to do. and not focused enough to do any of it.</p>

<p>i slept woke up did hw-wrote essay
checked dartmout ED thread
got terrified, decided that i’m rejected
and should focus on my hw and RD applications</p>

<p>decided not to be curious/anxious about result tommorrow
but just to forget it cuz i realized how stupid i am
to even think of Columbia
cuz there is noo way i’m getting in looking at my stat and previously accepted stat
and dartmouth stat</p>

<p>so i’m pretty much prepared :slight_smile:
but not really</p>

<p>gonna prepare for quiz tom
not going to think about this
i’m trying my best :)</p>

<p>What does the Dartmouth thread have to do with Columbia?</p>

<p>I’ve been trying to do my homework for tomorrow, because I know I won’t be able to get anything done. But I’m so nervous that so far all I have down is my name. T_T</p>

<p>well… if you read the dartmouth thread…its scary
a lot of them got rejected or deferred…
either that, many of them decided not to post that they got accepted.</p>

<p>o.o darthmouth’s ED results came out already!? wow… I don’t know if I want to know =P</p>

<p>didn’t think about columbia. i worked on my bike and did hw, went to the mall, and… yeah. time for bed</p>

<p>Haha. Am I the only odd one out? I spent my day in camp for parade rehearsals for upcoming commissioning. Columbia wasn’t on my mind most of the time. Though now that I’m back, it is :P</p>

<p>Couldn’t sleep. Woke up this morning and just gave up on the idea on going to school, so i’m just waiting with on my laptop for the e-mail to arrrive.</p>

<p>oh god… i’ve been feeling sick in the stomach the entire day. here in CT we’re having a miserable rainy day… i have a strong feeling that i’m not in.</p>

<p>^it’s pretty dreary in PA too. It’s just coincidence. lol</p>

<p>Hey, nastynate, you’re from Pennsylvania? Me too. Yeah, it was actually really cold and wet and disgusting this morning. My feet are still wet from walking outside. </p>

<p>Oh, btw, I’m starting to feel sick. People keep on asking me whether I got in or not ahhh.</p>

<p>It’s awful today, it just feels gross and I’m so tired. blehh it’ll all be over soon. You know it’s pretty terrible but I didn’t apply to a single school in PA. I don’t deserve to call myself a resident of the Quaker state. lol</p>

<p>Good luck, guys! It’ll all turn out ok in the end. :)</p>

<p>(I’m not an applicant, but I’m waiting on EA decisions, so I know how you feel!)</p>