TOEFL requirement for an international student in US High School/ High SAT CR/ A in Eng Comp 101?

<p>Hi! I am an international student currently trying to get admitted to University of Alabama. </p>

<p>While I was looking through the University of Alabama international requirements, it seemed that UA required a TOEFL score. While I didn’t take the TOEFL, I resided in a US high school for about 10 years, received 800 in SAT CR at the first try, and took a college English Composition 101 class and got A without hardly trying. </p>

<p>Will UA waive TOEFL requirement given these circumstances? I have viewed the UA requirements, and it stated students tranferring from US instituition with Eng Comp 101 with ‘C’ or greater grade are waived of the requirement. Does the student need to actually be a tranfer student to fulfill these requirement? </p>

<p>Thank you for your help!</p>

<p>I am currently an international student here and I did not need to take the TOEFL. I had just been in a High School in the U.S. my senior year and with my English class and my SAT scores they did not ask for TOEFL so based on what you said I really doubt they are going to ask you for the TOEFL. If you need anything please do not hesitate to contact me!
Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>Thank you for your answer and offer! </p>

<p>yes I believe TOEFL is waived of u have spent the past 5 years in an english speaking highschool/country and receive a 650 in CR.
I’m an international student and I moved to an english speaking country only 6 years ago, so I’m sure you’ll be fine!
Good Luck!</p>

<p>Thank you for your information!</p>