Tonight: Last Reminder Connecticut Special Reminder

<p>Connecticut Special Reception
The University of Alabama
Special Reception
Date: Wednesday November 20th. 2013
Time: 7:00 PM
PLace: Greenwich Country Club
Greenwich, CT.</p>

<p>This event is for parents and their students.
It is always a great event. At this time I do not know who the speakers will be. However, i always find them to be informative.
As a bonus, there are beverages and food served. </p>

<p>It is a good way to meet other prospective students and their parents.</p>

<p>The Connecticit event is attended mostly by students from NY suburbs north of the city. Westchester, Putnam, Rockland counties. We were so surprised to see that there were at least 30 students from Westchester alone who attended the reception and ultimately about 15 actually enrolled and are freshman now.</p>

<p>That’s right this reception draws perspective students and their parents from the surrounding areas because it is easier to get to than some of the other locations.</p>

<p>If you are going tonight, have a great time!!
Roll Tide!</p>